Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example

Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example

Various drugs for a unusually long period of time have been denied as being used as drugs. This is for the main reason of the harmful effects that they can subject the patients that use the drug. For this reason, the Federal Authority has ruled against some of drugs to be used as medications. This has forced some the scientists who study about the drugs to refrain from their research. Marijuana being among the mostly abused drugs in the entire world, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has discriminated on the study concerning the drug (Wendy and Webb, 69). Various scientists who have joined efforts on studying about the drug have been stopped because of the negative effect of the drugs on the society.Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example

There are various reasons that actually make the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to deny the use of Marijuana as a medication. One of the key aspect that hinders the use of Marijuana as medication is the fact that the drug has severe effects to the human body. For this reason, the Federal Authority together with the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to allow the legal use of Marijuana as medication. Although Marijuana has been found out to be remarkably effective in reducing vomiting in patients suffering from Cancer, the use of the drug is still denied (Wendy and Webb, 75). This is because the moment Marijuana will be allowed to be used in the community, the other members of the community who are not sick will also use the drug for their own benefits. This is why the National Institute on Drug Abuse has denied the legal use of Marijuana in the community.Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example


Has the National Institute on Drug Abuse managed to stop scientific research concerning marijuana and medication?

According to the authors Chapkis et al, the use of Marijuana as a drug has not yet been approval by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This is because although the scientists have been researching on the drug, there has been no evidence whereby the drug has been used to heal a dying patient. For this reason, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has continuously denied the claims that Marijuana is highly effective in the healing of the cancer patients. The National Institute on Drug Abuse also insists that Marijuana is not effective to the patient in the crude botanical form. This is when still in the form of flowers and the leaves of the cannabis plant. This makes the Federal Authority to reject the use of Marijuana as medication especially when still raw (Wendy and Webb, 81). The plant is only a drug when it has been manufactured into tablets that have been approved by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example

Have the scientist proved that Marijuana can be used as medication?

Various researches have been conducted concerning Marijuana as medication especially in the cure of Cancer. For this reason, several scientists have been allowed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse to research more concerning the issue. The research has been successful in the sense that Marijuana has been found out to be very useful in the cure of cancer patients. Marijuana as medication is used to stop patients from vomiting which reduces dehydration of the body (Wendy and Webb, 79). This prevents the patients from loosing excess water which is very vital for survival.Marijuana In Modern Medicine Example