Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper

Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper

An individual needs to have effective mental, social and physical well being so that the type of work that is being provided can be performed in an effective manner. In this context, as per indigenous people, they have similar set of understanding for health, they prefer to being well about the harmony which exist among universe, individuals and community (Treloar, C., Gray, Brener and Newman, 2014). Social determinants of the health can b determined as the condition in which people take birth, grow, live, work, etc. further, they get shaped up through resources, power and money at local, national and global levels. This report is about a case of Pam who is an 39 years old Indigenous Australian. It covers different attitudes, culture and approaches to culturally competent health care delivery for Indigenous Australians.Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper


a). 3 cultural aspect to culturally competent health care delivery for Indigenous Australians

As per one of the explorer, William Dampier, he happened to visit Australia in the year 1688. As per his view points, Aboriginal people are considered to be the most miserable people around the globe and this was due to the great plagues of files that prevalent from 3 quarters. Further, there are some kind of common diseases that were known. In this context, it includes trachoma and yaws (Mercer, Byrth and Jordan, 2014). Further, different type of health care services provided were considered to be sorcery and magic. This type of perception occurred due to traditional healers who were provided emphasis over the physiological and spiritual aspects. All the people in this society considered to look over the supernatural and spiritual aspect in order to overcome the problem of illness or diseases. With this respect, event the clever men and women considered to deal with issues related to health and consider other responsibilities like appeasing spirit, deciding over punishments and rain making. Further, traditional healers aimed at making use of plants so that medicines can be made. All type of medical treatments were provided by doctors who visited on rotational or regular basis (Deravin-Malone and Anderson, 2016).

One of the main issues at these place was related with lack of information to people over the steps that should be considered when they get any kind of diseases. However, with time individuals were provided with training and development so that basic nursing skills can be developed. Further, as per Western approach, in order to treat diseases, they took precedence and other native doctors who were encouraged for practising (Reed, Fitzgerald and Bish, 2015). With time may of the traditional practices were lost. In this context, it includes birthing on country. Moreover, the rate of population raised and this created issues with respect, to stay. There was an aspect in which people have to stay in their own place but this type of culture was eliminated due to raise in population (Josif, Kruske and Barclay, 2017). With this respect, people can follow their tradition even if they are non-Indigenous Australians.Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper

Support of government has helped in develop positive perception within the mind of people. The traditional type of approach that was being followed are known are eliminated or its rate has reduced. This has helped for the local people to trust the services that are provided by different organizations related to health and social care (Davidson, Phillips and Currow, 2016). Earlier people used to trust and make use of traditional way for overcoming the diseases that is faced by a patient. However, with proper support of government, they are making use of different type of sources that are helpful enough to deliver proper information and the rate of traditional methods have reduced. With the advancement in technology has helpful in getting proper meditation for most of the diseases that are faced at Australia. Due to lack of information that local people have, it has affected the health in negative manner. There are number of people who die due to not getting proper treatment for the issues that they are faced (Anderson and Malone, 2015). With this respect, it is important that proper consideration should be made so patient get to know the treatment that are available for the issue faced. There is issues in which all the people who fall under the contract of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander are provided with the treatment for the issues that are faced by them. One the other hand, people who does not fall under this community does not get the treatment. As per the case, Pam is willing to get back to her community and so this can be stated that if she is under the contract, then all type of medication will be provided for the cancer that she is having (Marel, Mills and Teesson, 2016). Another type of facility that the patient get is reduction in the services that are being used. For each of the treatment that is provided consist of certain cost for the medication that is being provided. With the help of community it is beneficial for the patient to get reduction in the type of cost that is included in it. This way cancer which is type if serious issues that is faced by patient that is Pam will be able to overcome the problems and that also at low cost.


b). 2 reasons why Pam wanted to return to her community at this end stage of her life

As per the costume that is being followed by Indigenous Australian, they focus on staying on the same place until they die. Due to increase in population, other lifestyle can be followed also being a non-indigenous (Zorbas and Elston, 2016).Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper However, when it comes to last event of life, then it requires to be considered to stay and die in their community. As per the costume that is being followed, it is important to make sure that one need to spend time with their an-sisters. This is a type of belief in which they believe that will next life at the same place. This is not possible when one say at other place as an non-indigenous. As per the case, this can be determined as the main reason due to which Pam is willing to return to her community. Further, they type of services that are being provided has been raised as the orders of the government. Moreover, there is also support of government in order to make sure that people are educated and they get to understand the problems that are being faced. When people have proper information, then it becomes helpful enough for Pam to get proper information about the type of health related issue that is faced by her. Moreover, the number of nurses at health professional in community is high (Kelly, Wilden and Brown, 2016). More specifically, there are about 280000 nurses and midwives. When the rate of nurses are high, then it becomes favourable enough to get high and better quality services. From this, it can be stated that these are the main two reasons due to which Pam tent getting back to her community at the time of end stages of her life as she is facing issues related with primary cervical cancer.Indigenous Health System in Australia Paper