Importance of Statistical Information In Nursing

Importance of Statistical Information In Nursing

Statistical information may seem to be unimportant for nurses but such a view on nursing is superficial. In fact, the statistical information is very significant for the successful and effective nursing care. In this regard, the information concerning the health of patients is particularly important. This is why statistics concerning the physical condition of patients is one of the primary concerns of nurses and statistics is very important in this regard.Importance of Statistical Information In Nursing

In fact, the physical condition of patient is assessed by different measurements, including temperature, blood pressure, the level of sugar in blood, and other indicators that reveal changes in the physical condition of patient (Davis, 2006). This is why the collection of statistical information related to these key measurements is crucial because it helps nurses to trace changes that occur to each patient, if the related statistical information is collected in time. For instance, the rapid rise of body temperature may indicate to a consistent deterioration of the physical condition of the patient, while steady fluctuations of the body temperature may be a norm for the particular patient.Importance of Statistical Information In Nursing


In addition, nurses should take into consideration different variables, such as the age of the patient, the particular health problem of the patient, the time and environment, where measurements are made and many other factors that may influence the accuracy of measurements and their outcomes (Woolhandler, 2003).

Thus, nurses should pay a lot of attention to the analysis of statistical information related to the physical condition of their patients because it can help them to trace changes in the patients’ health and help them to recover faster Importance of Statistical Information In Nursing