Implementing Your Evidence-Based Practice Project.

Implementing Your Evidence-Based Practice Project.


Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) refers to an integrated occupation practice formed from a scientific evidence perspective(Jeffery et al., 2020). In nursing, EBP presentation involves the application of various components that assist in reaching a concrete conclusion. Such an element involved in scientific evidence includes the patient’s preference, clinical expertise, and research evidence. More so, while gathering materials to support the evidence-based idea, a practitioner faces some drawbacks since working with the components may sometimes become difficult. In this case, researching seems to be the most challenging component while gathering the current data and the best evidence-based available.Implementing Your Evidence-Based Practice Project.


In implementing EBP, research is challenging since millions of research materials regarding video and non-video-based education sources tend to give different theoretical and practical evidence. For instance, in gauging proof based on the PICOT question, it revealed that video-based evidence showed non-significant evidence compared to verbal learning. Still, while conducting research, most of the presented proof misleads by not giving valid, practical, and reliable clinical issues with certainty.Implementing Your Evidence-Based Practice Project.

In the recent past, the implementation of EBP has been gone smooth since enaction changes have taken place(Due et al., 2017). For example, EBPs is practiced directly by care providers. However, this makes it easy to reach out to most patients, thus consuming less time and efficiency while taking action. Personally, working out for an EBP project is a thrilling activity that anybody working to present a particular work should enjoy the phase. However, before then, I would advise my colleague before starting the project to take adequate time framing a clinical-based clinical problem question and properly research in-depth to get enough supporting literature.Implementing Your Evidence-Based Practice Project.