Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Health Information Technology Health Essay.


Health informatics as (Conrick, 2006) views it is the field that concerns itself with the cognitive, information handling, and communication jobs of medical practice, education, and research like the information science and technology to support those duties. It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize acquisition, storage, and retrieval. Health informatics tools include personal computers as well as medical rules, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems. More generally speaking, its emphasis is on professional medical and biomedical applications with the added opportunity of the integrating these specialized medical components either among themselves or to more administrative-type health information systems. HIT is identified by the Team of Health insurance and Human Services as a “in depth management of medical information and its own secure exchange between health care consumers and providers” (Office of Health insurance and Individual Services, 2008).Health Information Technology Health Essay.

The recent developments in Health Information Technology (Reach) have transformed private hospitals, medical centers, and clinics paper processing management into Electronic medical record systems (EMR). (Protti et al. describes Electronic medical files as a medical record in digital format. The National Alliance for Health IT describes digital medical documents as “an electronic record of health-related home elevators an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by official clinicians and staff within one healthcare group. ” (Hinman and Ross, 2010).Health Information Technology Health Essay.

For years healthcare industries around the world have spent significant portions with their health information technology finances into acquiring best-of-breed specialized medical technologies to be able to really have the best tools to effectively and efficiently heal and treat patients. The UAE professional medical industry has stored in pace with the breakthroughs in this area; however, the infrastructure of HIT in healthcare market sectors worldwide lags years, and sometimes generations, behind other sectors including the bank and logistics companies. information like this takes a source to verify its trustworthiness.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

In recent efforts to improve medical quality several countries surrounding the world have proposed healthcare reforms through information technology while emphasizing the concept of electronic health information. Digital health record (EHR) as (Protti et al. , 2009) perceives it identifies a person patient’s medical record in digital format. EHR systems organize the storage space and retrieval of specific records with the aid of computers, which can be usually accessed on a computer, often over an internal network. While almost all of the literature does not distinguish between your principles of the electric medical record and the electronic health record, (Hinman and Ross, 2010) describe EHR as “an electronic record of the range of services received by an individual patient within his / her lifetime from various providers and across a series of institutions”. They further express the electronic health record as made up of “health-related home elevators an individual that conforms to nationally regarded interoperability standards and that can be created, managed, and consulted by certified clinicians and personnel across several healthcare organization”.

The purpose of this newspaper is to research and assess the main element factors for the successful advantages of a new healthcare management computer software called (eCare) in all hospitals and treatment centers across the UAE. The newspaper will aim to identify the mark market, analyze the current key competitors, define the product’s competitive benefit, and assess and propose answers to beat its major weaknesses.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

UAE Professional medical Industry background

The Professional medical sector in the United Arab Emirates is divided into 3 main industries: Government Nursing homes, ministry Hospitals, and HOSTIPAL WARDS; government nursing homes are governed by the emirate’s government and funded by each emirate individually. Ministry private hospitals are governed by the UAE federation and funded by the ministry of health for any its hospitals over the seven emirates. Finally, the hostipal wards are funded through their own administrations. Each one of these hospitals in the end follow the rules and rules of the ministry of health while keeping all degrees of control of its techniques and practices so long as it abides by the ministry’s health rules. can you provide a source for this info? The greater options the better.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Business Model

eCare is an innovative information management system centered heavily on developing electronic health files and emphasizing health information exchange over the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Our marketplace is the whole UAE healthcare network which includes administration, ministry, and private hospitals as well as medical centers, treatment centers, and pharmacies across the seven emirates.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

We try to provide the UAE with a straightforward, robust and versatile information management system that will help in the delivery of quality, included and cost effective healthcare services. eCare will assist in the following targets for the medical and administrative personnel of the mark market:

Health information exchange between all professional medical providers’ repository systems in order to create a sole medical record for each and every patient through his / her national ID as an identifier.

Online access to medical records, regardless of patient’s location or company.

Real-time medication dispensing and automated labeling and medicine connections alerts. A synchronized system can help different medical doctors in even different professional medical facilities avoid prescribing drugs with interactional problems.

Real-time monitoring of disease trends in particular regions of the UAE and treatment benefits.Health Information Technology Health Essay.


Online data source of exterior medical charges and services promoting a streamline and productive billing system.

Online records and statistics that cover the whole country as well as the ability to view complete health reports for each emirate without giving away patient’s private information (de-identification).

Online processing and reporting of lab results and real time imaging investigations.

Real-time appointment scheduling.

eCare standards try to achieve useful and efficient results in health information exchanges. Health Information Exchange (HIE) is defined as “the mobilization of professional medical information electronically across organizations within a region or community” (Overhage et al. , 2005). HIE provides the capacity to electronically move medical information among professional medical information systems while retaining this is of the information being exchanged. Medical care communities worldwide continue steadily to adopt new methods to better serve an increasingly complex patient human population.

eCare aims to improve safety of the patients, simplify service providers workflow through faster plus more distributed usage of medical information. Security of patients’ data files is the main concern in eCare benchmarks that is why it emphasizes on the use of digital signatures and advanced file encryption methods so that hospital information systems can deliver EHRs to specific patients for personal health management purposes. Furthermore, eCare is somebody of the Health Level Seven requirements organization which creates criteria for the exchange, management and integration of digital healthcare information. BOOK1REFERENCE

Current Competitors

eCare is the first of its kind in offering a full presented system proposed for the UAE government. The professional medical industry is young in the united states while resources and capital can be found to invest in it; however few rival companies tried out to propose similar alternatives for the UAE administration.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

iCare Health care (iCHC) is a healthcare informatics and consulting firm helping private and general population sectors in building high standard health care systems. iCHC offers 14 different software solutions mainly focused on providers-payers solutions rather than a completely fledged health information infrastructure that links all healthcare providers in the country. The main concern of iCHC is to implement an electronic opportinity for medical care providers to hook up with insurance companies, while eCare’s goals cover important key elements of the medical care industry in the UAE. (you need to provide a source for your information about iCare.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Again, this isn’t a complete dialogue of the competition. You are only going to mention one competitor? All of the clinics in the UAE must currently use some kind of medical record system?? What is it? You must contend with this and also you must be able to encourage all the nursing homes to make the transition to your product – how do you want to do that?

Strategic competitive advantage


The cost of putting into action electronic health files and something with the capacity of exchanging health information has been an obstacle to their widespread adoption. The expense of any system execution is usually borne by the hospital administration and taken out of the twelve-monthly budget. However, the future of EHR and Health Information exchange claims more rewards and benefits to the health care industry and its main stakeholder, the modern culture.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Implementation of your national infrastructure will need the federal government to economically support professional medical providers to be able to overcome the cost issue. eCare will offer the government versatile and easy ways of payment that includes all aspects of the look, development, evaluation and rollout period of the system as well as training the health care experts and administrators to increase the system utilization.Health Information Technology Health Essay.


eCare is custom created to meet the needs of its customers as it could include several add-on options and may also be useful to allow patients to see their personal medical documents through simplified and secure program.Health Information Technology Health Essay.


eCare offers a number of health it solutions which connects different stakeholder such as health care providers, patients and insurance companies to increase the EHR utilization that is shielded against theft, scams and breaches through several levels of security measurements. eCare also increases the product quality and consistency of health information through lessening quantity of redundant data and minimizing medical mistakes.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Major Problems


“Inside the healthcare sector, interoperability is the power of different it systems and software applications to communicate, to exchange medical data accurately, effectively, and regularly, also to use the info related to the individual that has been exchanged”. (Bailey et al. , 2008).

Berler et al. illustrated that the integration of information systems symbolizes one of the very most urgent priorities of a Regional Healthcare Expert (RHA) in order to meet its medical, organizational and managerial needs. Current practice shows that the most appealing method of achieve a Regional Medical Information System (RHIS) is by using a HL7 message-based communication system implemented by an asynchronous common communication infrastructure between medical sites (Berler et al. , 2004).Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Privacy and Security Issues

Data security and confidentiality of health information are two of the most crucial concerns in the use of electronic health systems. Security gain access to is a major matter as e-health systems become open to a wide array of users spread across the whole country.

Taking the banking industry as an example; the sensitivity in our personal financial information ranks right up there with the privateness and security of our own personal health information; however, people establish romantic relationships not only with the branch they opened a merchant account with, and distributed all their personal information with but also with a worldwide network of real-time financial information; therefore eCare is also able to take appropriate measurements such as firewall security, data encryption, and password access can all be employed to secure patients personal and health information.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Just such as the bank operating system, eCare can also enable the patients to regulate their medical data as much as they handle their financial purchases; one of the major issues of the interconnected medical care infrastructure is security and level of privacy of the info and who is allowed to deal with these confidential information as well as how to limit the impact of mishandling patients personal information; eCare will provide patients with a choice to choose the medical providers they want to share their private information with. In case of online records and reports all patients’ private information are kept anonymous.


The medical industry depends on data and information for each aspect of its delivery pattern it is hard to assume healthcare without it to manage the unprecedented amount of information and data streaming in the health care industry.Health Information Technology Health Essay.

Building a national Reach infrastructure with capabilities of exchanging electronic health care documents will result in tremendous improvements in a number of areas of the health care industry in the UAE like the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality, and security of health care delivery in the healthcare system.Health Information Technology Health Essay.