Falls and Falls Risk Reduction Nursing Essay

Falls and Falls Risk Reduction Nursing Essay

Part #1:

Team Leader (put all work together)

Falls – Risk factors (mention at least 2)

Part #2:

Consequences of Falls


Part #3:

Scope of the problem / Cost

Research studies related with Falls / Fall risk reduction (mention at least 2)




Nursing interventions (mention at least 2)


The team leader will put the work together at the end. Therefore, group members must post their parts at least 2 weeks before the due date (Sunday, July 26) (due date is Sunday, August 9). In this way the leader has time to put all parts together, do the abstract and conclusion (student that chose part #4) and post the paper for group members to check and do suggestions. The final paper / revision is responsibility of all group members.

Please, review all the information and be sure that you understand what to do. Start working as soon as possible.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or doubt. Please, contact me if you are having any issue with any team member or if any team member is not participating. Student that do not participate will get a “0” in the Group

Research Project which accounts for 30% of the final grade.

Falls and Falls Risk Reduction Nursing Essay