Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review


Topic: Knowledge, Attitude, and behavior of Community-dwelling individuals related to COVID19

  1. Introduction (without this heading)

Write an introduction paragraph for your review. This paragraph

  1. states the topic and inquiry questions for this review
  2. tells the reader specific information on how many articles you reviewed and how you sorted the articles into common themes based on findings (results).Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review


  3. Body (without this heading)

Before you begin this section, be sure that you have sorted your articles into different themes based on the articles’ findings (sometimes called results). After you sort your articles, it is important to give your sorted groups a descriptive name. The names of the sorted articles will become your headings for each of the paragraphs that you write in the body of your review. The body of your literature review will include the highlighted in yellow topics below,Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

  1. Theme 1 (Epidemiology of COVID19): a paragraph or several paragraphs that describe the first theme that you identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve selected.
  2. Theme 2 (Knowledge regarding COVID19 infection among public): a paragraph or several paragraphs that describes the second theme that you identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve selected.
  3. Theme 3 (Attitudes regarding COVID19 infection among public): a paragraph or several paragraphs that describes the third theme that you identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you’ve selected.
  4. Theme 4 (Behaviors regarding COVID19 infection among public)

3     Summary

This is the last paragraph of your literature review. In this paragraph, it is important to briefly summarize the main findings from the articles that you reviewed and to point out how your inquiry questions were answered or not answered, what the gap is (what if my questions are all answered – you then need to identify new inquiries so that you will contribute to the field)..Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

  1. References

This is the last pages of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you mentioned in your paper (both draft 1 and draft 2). Please make sure that only references cited in your drafts will be listed here. Other references that you earlier found/read but not cited will be listed in your bibliography. Please use APA style when completing this list.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Rubric for literature Review


15 points

The introduction should:

·         define your topic well and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature;

·         establish your reasons well – i.e. point of view – forreviewing the literature;

·         explain the organization well – i.e. sequence – of the review;

·         state the scope of the review well– i.e. what is included and what isn’t included. For example say something like: There are a large number of studies on COVID19 in general. However, since the focus of this research is on Knowledge, Attitude, and behavior of Community-dwelling individuals related to COVID19 these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.



60 points

The middle or main body should:

·         organize the literature well according to common themes;

·         provide excellent insight into the relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area e.g. between COVID19 in general public and COVID19 in medical people.

·         movewell from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research.



15 points

The conclusion should:

·         summarizewell the important aspects of the existing body of literature;

·         evaluate well  the current state of the literature reviewed;

·         identify well the significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;

·         outline well areas for future study;

·         Link well your research to existing knowledge.

·         Work is well presented
in a logical and
coherent way.
Writing is clear,
articulate, and error free. APA
formatting is
complete, with all
required elements
accurately noted.

Reference list in APA format and Grammar

10 points

A  minimum of 6-8 peer articles are referenced/cited and listed


Literature Review

This literature review seeks to find information and evidence done in studies pertaining the topic of the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of community-dwelling individuals related to COVID19. The goal is to understand how members of urban communities perceive and process any information and measures taken to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. This literature review explores important themes that include the epidemiology of COVID19, the knowledge regarding the infection among the public, the attitudes regarding infection, and the various behaviors that people exhibit in relation to the COVID19 infection. Lastly, a summary follows briefly explaining the main findings in the articles.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Epidemiology of COVID19

            To explore the spatial differences in the spread of the corona virus in the United States, Zhang & Schwartz (2020), conducted a study using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in mapping the various spatial aspects of the pandemic, using data on confirmed corona virus infections in 24 counties in the U.S. The researchers established that corona virus infections were higher in metropolitan counties, and the main contributing factors to infection and incidence rate were poverty, population density, and the percentage of elderly residents. This study augurs with the investigation by Diop et al. (2020), who established that the corona virus spread was mainly rampant in urbanized areas with higher populations in Africa. According to the study, Africa has a low urbanization rate, which means that the urban center infections were still lower compared to infections in more urbanized nations.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review To compound this information, Corbett et al. (2020) found that population size was central to the rate of infections among most urban facilities. About 19% of the patients in an urban dialysis center contracted the virus, leading to the conclusion that a higher population in urban centers is critical to the infection rates.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Knowledge Regarding COVID19 Infection among Public

The onset of the pandemic had governments sending out information on the corona virus, how its spread, how to prevent infection, and the various symptoms associated with this infection. To explore the knowledge levels among public members, Austrian et al. (2020) did a study in the informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. Their study established that the knowledge levels on corona virus were high, where 83% of the respondents knew that anyone could be infected with the virus, as well as the some of the symptoms of infections. Clements’ (2020) study also revealed that 80% of the respondents in his investigation were knowledgeable about the virus and its mode of transmission, as well as the preventive measures individuals can take. The two studies demonstrates a high knowledge level about corona virus infection and transmission modes.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Attitudes Regarding COVID19 Infection among Public

The attitudes towards the corona virus pandemic varied from country to country, with some dealing with the pandemic more seriously than others. For instance, in Tanzania, the government prayed the infection away, while most other countries put in place severe measures such as social distancing, banning public gatherings, and making it mandatory to wear face masks and sanitizing, among other measures (Associated Press, 2020). According to Azan et al. (2020) 83.1% of the participants had a positive attitude towards the control measures that the Malaysian government imposed, and a further 89.9% of the respondents appreciated how the Malaysian government handled the pandemic. Czeisler et al., (2020) did a study that revealed similar results, where he established that 79.5% of the respondents in New York and 86.7% in Los Angeles were in support of the measures taken by the government to curb the infection rate. The two studies demonstrate massive support and a positive attitude from members of the public towards the measures taken to limit the infection rate.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review

Behaviors Regarding COVID19 infection among Public

There is a need to examine the nature of behaviors that people exhibited towards the corona virus pandemic. Liu et al. (2020) did a study to examine people’s behavior towards the virus in China. According to this investigation, about 70.9% of the respondents took more than three preventive measures against the virus, 93.3% avoided going to public and crowded spaces, and 83.7% wore masks. Another study by Ngwewondo et al. (2020) produced similar results as the study by Liu et al. (2020) considering it revealed that 94.5% of the respondents used hand sanitizers, 83% practiced social distancing, and 20% confined themselves at home. Additionally, the population changed their eating habits where 74.6% of the respondents began to take citrus fruits and vitamin C supplements, while 35.9% took traditional concoctions.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review


The outbreak of the corona virus pandemic saw most governments put in place measures to curb the spread of the disease. A significant number of respondents in the various studies conducted revealed to be knowledgeable about the disease, given the communication efforts through the media about infection and how to control it. Perhaps because of the fact that the virus is new to humans, most people developed positive attitudes towards government directives on preventing the infection rate. For instance, most people adhered to wearing masks, sanitizing, keeping social distance, and staying at home. Overall, the attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge about the virus demonstrates that most societies were willing to comply with directives issued, and prevent infection.Fall 2020 NURS 389: Literature Review