Example Of E- Patient Dave Critical Thinking

Example Of E- Patient Dave Critical Thinking

Dave deBronkert is an international keynote speaker on healthcare. He earns high-performance rating by understanding each listener and by following them up closely to identify their sole “home run.” Dave commonly referred to “e- patient Dave was diagnosed with kidney cancer in January 2000. He is a cancer survivor of Grade 4 renal cell carcinoma. He was able to conquer his condition due to his earlier study on technological changes.
Dave is the best-rated spokesman for patient engagement movement. Various values are considered by Dave where the patient is involved and gets informed. For example, the people are encouraged to get general check-ups on their health. This is a major value that led to the awareness of Dave’s illness. Accurate diagnosis is important in that; it gives the patient the where and how to go ahead.
One of the jobs of a healthcare administrator is to ensure that the patients are all treated with the highest quality of healthcare possible and to ultimately maintain the well-being of the company both financially and institutionally. It would only be safe to say that the major source of income of most hospitals and healthcare institutions is the revenue that they get from the patients or from their insurance providers after they have been treated with healthcare.Example Of E- Patient Dave Critical Thinking. This means that if there are no patients who would go to the hospitals for diagnostic and treatment procedures, then there is no revenue for the healthcare managers and or administrators. This can, in fact, be one of the reasons patients are not being allowed to look at their own patient records and charts. In Dave’s talk, he mentioned that one of the few things that saved him was his being informed about his condition and the best things that he could do for his own health. That was like saying he did not need the opinion and consult of the medical team that was working to resolve his medical condition because he could be informed. If over time, more and more patients develop this kind of mentality, then that would be a significant loss of revenue for the hospitals. Or, if patients would still decide that they indeed need the help of people with real educational background and expertise in handling their condition, healthcare managers can face a lot of problems who thinks and feels that they know more about their condition than the doctors that treat them. So the implication of Dave’s proposition for healthcare managers would be either a problem in the healthcare institution’s financial books or a problem in handling insistent and know it all patients. Example Of E- Patient Dave Critical Thinking.


Part 11

In Brian Goldman’s talk on TED Talk, he mentioned one of the many ongoing problems in healthcare is that doctors and often other medical practitioners do not admit it when they make mistakes. From a managerial perspective, this can potentially develop as a real source of problems in the future particularly when it comes to the aspect of trust. If the patients would always be informed that the people who they entrust their health with continuously make mistakes just like an average person, it would probably give them the mentality that their medical handlers are not good and or competent enough. By seeking medical consult and care, one is basically entrusting his life to the medical system and to the people that run it. These people therefore have the expectation that no one is about and allowed to make any mistake because it is their life that is on the line in that situation.Example Of E- Patient Dave Critical Thinking.  However, most medical practitioners do not think this way and so they tend to make mistakes, often without the patient knowing. Acquiring the trust of the patient would be one of the biggest, if not the biggest disadvantage of this proposed model. So as a result, I do not expect the adoption of this model would make any improvements in the current quality of healthcare being offered in healthcare facilities; in fact, I think it would only make it worse. This system is just not recommended because it destroys the patient to physician or medical practitioner relationship which is bounded by trust.


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