Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

In 500-750 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise: Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.


Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data.
Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved.
Describe how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the evidence. Address validity, reliability, and applicability.
Describe strategies to take if outcomes do not provide positive results.
Describe implications for practice and future research.
You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA 7th edition Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process

The rationale for Data Collection Methods

Outcome data will be collected by the author using a survey and an audit tool. Surveys will be preferred due to its affordability. Consequently, the author will incur minimal expenses to prepare surveys during the study. Additionally, surveys are easy to develop and implement, thus enhancing data collection. Finally, one can obtain the feedback quickly from the participants when using surveys as the data collection technique. According to Young (2016), surveys enable researchers to receive feedback quickly from a large sample population within a short period. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Additionally, data collected through surveys can be easily compared, analyzed, and develop ed into themes. Audit tools will also be used to collect data on the proposed intervention and healthcare outcomes such as improving blood pressure control within six months following the initiation of theHome-based blood pressure telemonitoring. Data will be collected before the implementation of the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring, at three months, and after six months.

How Outcome Measures Determine Achievement of Objectives

The primary outcome measure being evaluated in this project is the improvement in blood pressure control within six months following the initiation of the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring.Quantitative measures will be used to assess the attainment of the project’s objectives. Specifically, the author will utilize statistical tests to make correlations and comparisons between baselineand outcome data. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Measurement and Evaluation of Outcomes-Based on Evidence

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be utilized to evaluate the reliability and validity of the project’s outcomes. It contains various statistical models and their related estimation procedures, which are used in analyzing the differences in a sample population(Clayton-Soh,2016).The proposed evidence-based project aims at assessing the incidences of hypertensive among African Americansin the healthcare unit. Blood pressure control among the targeted patient population will decrease with approximately 80% within six months following the initiation of the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring. The author will prefer ANOVA due to its efficiency in analyzing the differencesin group samples (Boisgontier & Cheval, 2016). Thus, ANOVA will be utilized in this project to determine the correlations between the variables; the high incidence of hypertensive among African Americans and the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring. The project’s outcome will be valid since a significant improvement in blood pressure will be reported within six months following the implementation of the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Strategies If Outcomes Do Not Provide Positive Results

In case the project’s findings fail to provide the expected outcomes, the author will evaluate potential gaps that led to the difference. Various actions will be taken to address the difference. However, the author will analyze the outcomes before recommending the most appropriate solution. If the difference between the expected results and the actual outcomes is minor, the author will assess the implementation process to identify the cause of the difference and address it. On the contrary, further research will be conducted to gather more relevant evidence if the difference between the expected results and the actual outcomes is significant. The project can be declared null in case of a substantial difference between the results, which cannot be amended through further research. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

Implications for Practice and Future Research

The project implies that Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring can be implemented in healthcare units to improve blood pressure control among hypersensitive individuals. This intervention will enable people struggling with hypertension to control various aspects of their condition, such as pulse rate while at home without making clinical visits. They will utilize e-health technology and telephone to communicate with their healthcare providers in cases they notice some symptoms that are not within the normal range. According to Hanley et al. (2013), in the self-management program, e-health technology and telephones facilitate communication between providers and the patients. Additionally, the project implies that the use of a multidisciplinary approach during the implementation of a proposed change enhances its success resulting in the achievement of the desired outcomes. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.

However, the project gives room for further studies. Other scholars can evaluate the effectiveness of the Home-based blood pressure telemonitoring in improving blood pressure control among different patient populations rather than hypertensive African Americans. Additionally, studies can be conducted to assess if the proposed intervention is effective in managing other chronic conditions such as diabetes and asthma. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F: Evaluation of Process.