Discussion – Resumes and Job Applications

Discussion – Resumes and Job Applications

After completing the reading assignment and viewing the videos in this module, along with any other information you may have found, list three (3) items you will definitely put in your resume. Explain why you think these are important factors to share with your potential employer and will make you stand out from other applicants! Then, list at least two items you learned about that are definite “no-no’s” in building a resume and why you want to avoid using them.


After completing the reading assignment and viewing the videos in this module, along with any other information you may have found, list three (3) items you will definitely put in your resume. Explain why you think these are important factors to share with your potential employer and will make you stand out from other applicants! Then, list at least two items you learned about that are definite “no-no’s” in building a resume and why you want to avoid using them.

Discussion – Resumes and Job Applications