Discussion 7 : Differential Diagnosis

Discussion 7 : Differential Diagnosis

Athletes are susceptible to cutaneous diseases as the sport demands one to be in direct contact with the adversary. In the day-to-day population, most of these cutaneous illnesses are only balderdash; however, athletes may be disqualified from competing. Therefore, diagnosis and timely treatment are pertinent.

Differential Diagnosis

In this case, the client reports an oozing right neck lesion that has refused to react to antibiotics. In general, diseases may be classified as viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. The most prevalent infection in athletes is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) which causes an infection commonly referred to as herpes gladiatorum. Type 1 HSV is the likely culprit here. Type2 HSV is a probability but only for a small number of cases (Wei and Coghlin, 2017). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a commonly related bacterial infection (Wilson, Wilckens, and deWeber, 2019). Bacterial and furuncles and folliculitis are also probable. They are triggered by Staphylococcus aureus and are both oozing. Discussion 7 : Differential Diagnosis



Laboratory diagnosis includes the presentation of the form of staphylococci through microscopy in an effective clinical environment. The test is extracted and, in this situation, the pus swab is completed. The sample is sent to the lab and cultured on a medium(Parija, 2016) Besides, the Center for Disease Control recommends the usage of a micro-dilution broth. Furthermore, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) suggests a cefoxitin diffusion examination.


MRSA is usually immune to certain antibiotics. Outpatient diagnosis includes abscess and incision removal. Antibiotics such as Tetapamulin and Mupirocin are treatment options in outpatient clinics. Oral antibiotics like Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, Doxycycline Clindamycin, and Linezolid are helpful. Intravascular antibiotics can be used in inpatient hospitals. Examples include Vancomycin, and Daptomycin (Parija, 2016). Clinicians may expect tolerance when diseases are recurring.


Parija, S. C. (2016). Microbiologu Immunology. HNMIR.

Wei, E. Y., & Coghlin, D. (2017). Beyond folliculitis: Recognising herpes gladiatorum in adolescent athletes. US: The Journal of Pediatrics.

Wilson, E. K., deWeber, K., & Wilckens, J. (2019). Cutaneous infections in wrestlers. US: Sports Health


Discussion 7 : Differential Diagnosis