Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay

Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay

Discussion CO1 Question#1

Analyze the role of the BSN nurse in relation to the concepts of integrity, civility and ethical accountability within the nursing practice (Pos 4,6)

A bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a wide-ranging bachelor’s degree in nursing program which prepares the generalist nurse with: holistic, caring, safe quality and evidence-based services to healthcare consumers (Herzing University, 2016). It provides a liberal art education that equips nurses with both clinical judgement and critical thinking skills required to provide healthcare across global, human life-span and health ill-ness continuum (Herzing University, 2016). Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.

BSN nurse’s credit’s ethical accountability within nursing practice. Through the ideal beneficence-that is not harm their clients, as well as being kind honest and moral to their healthcare consumers. The stated above acts as a guideline and core values that nurses uphold in their daily practices. Thus, through doing so they are honoured in their services and their integrity triumphs.

Myra’s theoretical model 1973 states that nurses are part of the patient’s environments, skills, education and caring, they help the client overcome their illness by seeing the patients in their entirety. Since the community is the setting of health care consumers, it should as well serve as the setting of integrity. Civility, on the other hand, plays a greater role in shaping communication within the healthcare sector, it governs the relationship of the nurse and their patients. Through civility, the behaviour of the healthcare provider towards healthcare consumers should be perfected to creates no friction. Therefore, BSN students are trained on how to handle their anxiety and behave morally as they administer a communication that has a positive influence on the clients.


Discussion CO2 Question#2A

Analyze the impact of contemporary healthcare issues on the role of the professional nurse (P07)

Due to a technological breakthrough, changes in care delivery increased patients’ expectation and many more transformations that the health sector is yet to experience the role of nurses as healthcare professionals are growing and evolving. Thus, nurses are challenged to have the latest information at their figure tips for effective treatment and assessment of their clients. The RNs are therefore left without an option but to enrol for BSN in order to meet the significant emerging trends.Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.  Healthcare Technological advancement moves at unstoppable pace. Professional nurses are hence, called upon to learn how to handle remote monitoring devices, high-tech patients’ simulators, electronic health record system and electronic communication through text apps that alerts nurses when they are running late to provide treatment. The progress has immensely transformed and improved healthcare for better services to healthcare consumers.

Discussion CO2 Question#2B

Which principles do you use when delegating to unlicensed personnel? Because the licensed nurse is liable for care performed by an unlicensed person, how do you protect yourself and your patients?

The delegation of duties is an act of assigning the performance of an event or task by a Registered Nurse RNs to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP), Nursing Assistive Personnel (NAP) or Nurse Aides. To access the Healthcare consumers. (Spring, 2012).RNs therefore professionally should practice the highlighted principles for the sake of their patents and their protection. The RNs must accomplish an assessment for the healthcare consumers: They should know if in case their clients perhaps need, cultural alteration, assess the environment where care will be provided, know and asses the stability and predictability of their healthcare consumers. Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.

Nonetheless, the RNs creates a plan of care with the client and their next of kin. In line with delegable duty and intended consequence as a portion of the inclusive plan of care. Through enlightening healthcare consumers more about the roles of the providers that is to promote a safe atmosphere and enhanced patient outcomes. The plan of care should include: clients status baseline, Performance Task unchanging specific task, and the person who is responsible for UAP report in case of any changes on the healthcare consumers in the absence of the RNs personnel.

Consequently, the stated herein should be analyzed: If the task is within the scope of practice, in case there is state or federal laws and rules or regulations supporting the delegation of duties. If the delegating RNs employer permits the delegation process, whether the AUP assigned is more competent to perform the delegated duties. Lastly, the availability of the RNs supervision to AUP. How do they protect themselves? Both the RNs and the healthcare consumers have to abide by the laws, rules and regulations governing the RNs their AUPs and the healthcare consumers at large. The nurse engages in practices prohibited by practice acts of other healthcare personnel or by other laws, RNs determines the scope of their practice in light of their education, knowledge, competence and extent of experience (Spring, 2012). Since nursesshortage grows at an alarming rate globally, therefore, a need for investing in the delegation skills aimed at eliminating the burden on nurses and improving the patient’s experience at the same time. Understanding which task can be delegated to UAP can help reduce stress, improve efficiency and protect both nurses and their healthcare consumers. Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.


Spring, S. (2012). ANA’s Principles for Delegation by Registerd Nurses to Unlicensed Assistive Peronnel(UAP). Maryland: American Nurses Association.

Herzing University. (2016). Herzing University UndergraduateCataloge. Minnieapolis: Herzing Program.

Management determines the success or failure of an organization. There are so many tasks, occurrences, issues and emergencies that take place in an organization in any given time and working alone becomes no longer viable.

The concept of empowerment and delegation in any organization is important in ensuring that all the tasks are done perfectly within a given time frame with a common goal of achieving the core objectives of an organization.

This paper will discuss the importance of delegation particularly in health care systems, the relationship between delegation and empowerment as well as the potential dangers of delegation and how it impacts on empowerment.

Delegation in healthcare

Delegation is a management concept that entails assigning specific duties to other people in an organization though the tasks may or may not be part of their job description. Stone (2004) describes delegation as “giving an employee the responsibility for part of your job and the authority to carry it out, while retaining control and accountability” (Stone, 2004, p. 1).

Empowerment, on the other hand, means the applied effort by any management to improve the potential, skills and ability of the employees to best do their assigned duties with the aim of improving the performance of an organization.Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.

Delegation in health care set up is very important and is believed to have great benefits: “when delegation is undertaken effectively it allows qualified professionals to shift their focus from routine tasks to more complex tasks” (Royal College of Nursing, 2011, p. 1).

However, it is worth noting that delegation in a health care set up is a very sensitive issue owing to the fact that the profession has an impact on the health status of people. A report by NASN (2011) defined nursing delegation as “transferring the responsibility of performing a nursing activity to another person while retaining accountability for the outcome” (NASN, 2011, p. 1).

Relationship between delegation and empowerment

Delegations and empowerment are concepts which work hand in hand. Effective delegation is only possible when there is empowerment of the people to whom duties are delegated to. Empowerment focuses on investing in the employee in terms of improving their ability to perform their assigned duties. Algase (2011) claimed that “empowerment takes employees interests as the means to achieve the end”(Algase, 2011, p. 1).

Delegation may be taken as one form of empowerment whereby new authority is assigned together with the responsibilities and benefits that come with a task. On the other hand, empowerment cannot be effective without delegation.  Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.Delegation assigns specific tasks or responsibilities and then empowerment ensures that the person is well equipped for the responsibility.

Delegation gives room for specialization whereby responsibilities are delegated to experts of that special field. This can be seen as a form of empowerment since specialization results to better performance.

Importance of delegation

Delegation distributes work load to other people and thus results can be achieved with much ease. Delegation can be viewed as teamwork whereby different tasks are assigned to different individuals. Delegation comes in handy during the times of emergencies when certain tasks may be delegated to the available staff. Through delegation the supervisors can reallocate their energy to management and other more important issues while at the same time getting the job done. Delegation of tasks enables staff to get used to different tasks and develop mastery of different skills.

Impact of delegation on empowerment

Delegation and empowerment go hand in hand; delegation can be used as one of the empowerment strategies whereby different people are given new responsibilities. Delegation may affect the effectiveness of empowerment by assigning tasks without investing enough on the worker to improve his/her skills.

Delegation without empowerment may yield negative results since the individuals may not be in a position to deliver on the assigned tasks. Effective delegation may have positive influence on empowerment in that it is a form of motivation and it encourages specialization. Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.


Potential dangers of delegation

One of the greatest dangers of delegation is the fact that the person may not be familiar with the task and delegation may result to disastrous results.

Delegation means prior training and this may also take time that could have been the cause for delegation. The person delegating may lose control and relax on his work. The availability of delegation may be used inappropriately and all tasks assigned to one person may become delegated to other people.

Delegation may give rise to conflicts at the workplace especially when people are given tasks beyond their expertise. A report by NCSBN (2011) warned that “all decisions related to delegation of nursing tasks must be based on the fundamental principle of protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public” (NCSBN, 2011, p. 1).


The concept of empowerment and delegation is important in any organization especially if well handled. Both concepts are interrelated with delegation being one form of empowerment.

Delegation, if not well handled has been found to have negative impact at the workplace. Delegation in health care set up must be handled with utmost care and precaution due to the high risks involved. It is recommended that these concepts be handled with care and open mindedness. Delegating Duties Principles for Nurses Protection Essay.