Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.


Assessment Instructions

Note: Your evaluation of dashboard metrics for this assessment is the foundation on which all subsequent assessments are based. Therefore, you must complete this assessment first.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.


Write a report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels. In addition, advocate for ethical action to address benchmark underperformance and explain the potential for improving the overall quality of care and performance, as reflected on a performance dashboard.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Review the performance dashboard metrics, as well as relevant local, state, and federal laws and policies. Consider the metrics that are falling short of the prescribed benchmarks. Structure your report so that it will be easy for a colleague or supervisor to locate the information they need, and be sure to cite the relevant health care policies or laws when evaluating metric performance against established benchmarks.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.


Choose one of the following three options for a performance dashboard to use as the basis for your evaluation:

Option 1: Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Simulation

Use the data presented in the Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation multimedia activity as the basis for your evaluation.

Note: The writing that you do as part of the simulation could serve as a starting point to build upon for this assessment.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Option 2: Actual Dashboard

Use an actual dashboard from a professional practice setting for your evaluation. If you decide to use actual dashboard metrics, be sure to add a brief description of the organization and setting that includes:Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

  • The size of the facility that the dashboard is reporting on.
  • The specific type of care delivery.
  • The population diversity and ethnicity demographics.
  • The socioeconomic level of the population served by the organization.

Note: Ensure your data are Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. Do not use any easily identifiable organization or patient information.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Option 3: Hypothetical Dashboard

If you have a sophisticated understanding of dashboards relevant to your own practice, you may also construct a hypothetical dashboard for your evaluation. Your hypothetical dashboard must present at least four different metrics, at least two of which must be underperforming the prescribed benchmark set forth by a federal, state, or local laws or policies. In addition, be sure to add a brief description of the organization and setting that includes:Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

  • The size of the facility that the dashboard is reporting on.
  • The specific type of care delivery.
  • The population diversity and ethnicity demographics.
  • The socioeconomic level of the population served by the organization.

Note: Ensure your data are HIPAA compliant. Do not use any easily identifiable organization or patient information.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.


The report requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

  • Evaluate dashboard metrics associated with benchmarks set forth by local, state, or federal health care laws or policies.
    • Which metrics are not meeting the benchmark for the organization?
    • What are the local, state, or federal health care policies or laws that establish these benchmarks?
    • What conclusions can you draw from your evaluation?
    • Are there any unknowns, missing information, unanswered questions, or areas of uncertainty where additional information could improve your evaluation?
  • Analyze one challenge that meeting prescribed benchmarks can pose for a heath care organization or interprofessional team.
    • Consider the following examples:Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.
      • Strategic direction.
      • Organizational mission.
      • Resources.
      • Staffing.
      • Financial: Operational and capital funding.
      • Logistical considerations: Physical space.
      • Support services (any ancillary department that gives support to a specific care unit in the organization, such as pharmacy, cleaning services, dietary, et cetera).
      • Cultural diversity in the organization and community.
      • Procedures and processes.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.
    • Address the following:
      • Why do the challenges you identified contribute, potentially, to benchmark underperformance?
      • What assumptions underlie your conclusions?
  • Evaluate a benchmark underperformance in a heath care organization or interprofessional team that has the potential for greatly improving overall quality or performance. Focus on the benchmark you chose to target for improvement.
    • Which metric is underperforming its benchmark by the greatest degree?
    • Which benchmark underperformance is the most widespread throughout the organization or interprofessional team?
    • Which benchmark affects the greatest number of patients? Which benchmark affects the greatest number of staff?
    • How does this underperformance affect the community that the organization serves?
    • Where is the greatest opportunity to improve the overall quality of care or performance of the organization or interpersonal team and, ultimately, to improve patient outcomes, as you think about the issue and the current poor benchmark outcomes?
  • Advocate for ethical action, directed toward an appropriate group of stakeholders, to address a benchmark underperformance.
    • Who would be an appropriate group of stakeholders to act on improving your identified benchmark metric?
    • Why should the stakeholder group take action?
    • What are some ethical actions the stakeholder group could take that support improved benchmark performance?
  • Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
    • Proofread your report, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your evaluation and analysis.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.
  • Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
    • Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.

Example Assessment: You may use the Assessment 1 Example [PDF] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Report Format and Length

Format your report using APA style.

  • Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. The APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] will help you in writing and formatting your report. Be sure to include:Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.
    • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • Be sure your report should be 4–6 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.

Supporting Evidence

Cite 4–6 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your analysis of challenges, evaluation of potential for improvement, and your advocacy for ethical action.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your report to your ePortfolio.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

  • Competency 1: Analyze relevant health care laws, policies, and regulations; their application; and their effects on organizations, interprofessional teams, and professional practice.
    • Analyze challenges that meeting prescribed benchmarks can pose for a heath care organization or interprofessional team.
  • Competency 2: Lead the development and implementation of ethical and culturally sensitive policies that improve health outcomes for individuals, organizations, and populations.
    • Advocate for ethical action, directed toward an appropriate group of stakeholders, to address a benchmark underperformance.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate relevant indicators of performance, such as benchmarks, research, and best practices, to inform health care laws and policies for patients, organizations, and populations.
    • Evaluate dashboard metrics associated with benchmarks set forth by local, state, or federal health care laws or policies.
    • Evaluate a benchmark underperformance in a heath care organization or interprofessional team that has the potential for greatly improving overall quality or performance.
  • Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella\’s writing standards.
    • Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
    • Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.

attached below: paper requirements with suggested references & an example of a dashboard metrics.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.

Revision Instructions

However, there are areas where you could provide more discussion if you want to achieve Distinguished. You provide data tables with several dashboard metrics at Tiptop Medical Centre but I would like you to compare these data with other quarters or other hospitals or with state or national benchmarks. How do I know these are underperforming if they aren\’t compared to the same metrics for other periods of time or with other local, state or national benchmarks? There is one area that needs more development. For this assessment and future assessments, you only need to focus on one underperforming benchmark, discuss the health care laws that regulate that benchmark and describe best practices to address the low performing benchmark. See my comments in the paper and on the scoring guide. Please highlight your changes to capture your revised work. I am confident that you can achieve Distinguished if you incorporate my feedback. COMMENTS: Evaluated several dashboard metrics at Tiptop Medical Centre that include Number Of Patients Who Received Intervention Within the Time, Intervention Compliance and The Mortality Rate, Emergency Intervention Compliance and The Patient Satisfaction Rate, Patient Growth Rate in Comparison to The First Quarter. However, I would like you to compare these metrics with other quarters or other hospitals or state or national benchmarks. How do you know these are underperforming if you don\’t compare these metrics? I would also like you to provide demographic and socioeconomic data about Boston.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay. Even if Tiptop Medical Center is hypothetical, Boston is a real city where you could provide that data. You state that the Boston public health commission under the guidance of the Massachusetts health act of 2006 provides the benchmark that every health institution must meet in order to be allowed to operate or continue with the health service operations. The Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act (EMTLA) of 1986 states that every medical institution with an emergency service must provide the service to the patients whether they are insured or not (Pearce et al., 2018). The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also stipulates some benchmarks for emergency departments (EDs) that must be met and regulations under which the EDs must adhere to including handling of patients with disabilities and those mentally impaired or under the influence of substance.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay. I would have liked you to elaborate on the Affordable Care Act and how it sets benchmarks. What are the consequences if the benchmarks aren\’t met? COMMENTS: Some challenges in meeting benchmarks are analyzed. The challenges which may be associated with the Tiptop Medical Centre first can be low patient nurse ratio. This has been a challenge for the many health institutions that work locally and whose funding is limited. Despite the existing guidelines from the federal and state governments, most Boston health facilities remain stretched due to overwhelming number of emergencies mostly from the elderly group homes and foster care centers where there has not been a well-established care services and thus fully depending on established hospitals such as the Tiptop Medical Centre. On the other hand, the interprofessional collaboration is also a challenge where a health institution is operating in a diverse area with mixed culture. As such, the elements of language, beliefs and family setting becomes complex and sometimes distorts the smooth running of the set teams in the course of their working.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay. Team leadership and coordination also proves to be a weighty matter and thus the team spirit and performance may be negatively affected. Can you elaborate on the cultural diversity of the organization and community that you briefly mentioned? What about organizational resources such as physical space and support services? What about access to care, health literacy, non compliance, medication reconciliation? COMMENTS: The compliance poor rating at the Tiptop Medical Centre for the processes within the emergency department and through the collaboration with other departments can be blamed of poor coordination and lack of proper interprofessional coordination (Li et al., 2013).Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay. As such, delay in diagnosis not only adds up to the costs associated with the processes, but as well, leads to poor service and patient care management. Cite the source of this assertion. These jeopardize the patient’s well-being and adds up to the health risks which may worsen the already dire situation. Those high risk conditions and with severe injuries including multiple injuries record a high rate of mortality rate. Nevertheless, the set benchmark for the number of interventions to be met is never attained in those delicate categories and as such, many recorded deaths can be attributed to either negligence, lack of knowledge or experience from the medical staff, absence of hospital guideline policy on duty allocation or increased workload due to understaffing (Kavanagh, 2017). In June 2014, Massachusetts Governor signed into law the Bill no. H. 4228, which mandated hospitals to allocate ICUs and trauma staff at the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 nurse-to-patient ratios. This law placed a benchmark for which health institutions must adhere to and this clearly indicates that Tiptop Medical Centre falls below the Massachusetts state set benchmark (Shimp, 2017). Furthermore, the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act of 2015 also places a benchmark for a Medicare participating hospital to have implemented a hospital-wide staffing plan for nursing services furnished in the hospital (Pearce et al., 2018). Poor client rating on imaging and X-ray, admission, as well as patient release procedures that falls below 80% paints a clear picture of unorganized system which delays procedure which are crucial for the patient overall care management. This observation can as well go by the patient growth drop of 11% which largely may have emanated from poor services leading to patients seeking services elsewhere (Meyers et al., 2014). However, you only need to focus on one underperforming benchmark. What are the consequences if this benchmark isn\’t met? CRITERIA 4 COMMENTS: You have advocated from an ethical perspective. First, the institution must fast-track the interprofessional collaboration in its emergency response (Pilon et al., 2015). The collaborating departments such as admission and imaging departments seem to be slowing the diagnosis process and thus causing a delay in the patient care management. The boarding time at the ED must be minimized and to do so, the support departments must also be committed on their emergency response where much critical care and time is greatly essential, especially in coordination with triage (Cannavacciuolo et al., 2018). The Tiptop Medical Centre should establish a critical care coordinator to coordinate on the intervention’s compliance. From the data, many mortality rates were recorded on the patients who’s the required interventions were never attained. Proper duty allocation, placement by knowledge and experience, as well as nurse or Doctor patient ratio are some of the initiatives that the institution should adopt to avoid such observations in the future. This will also greatly improve the service quality and reduce the mortality rate (Bhatt et al., 2018). On the patient’s satisfaction and growth rate, patients experience is important and this is built through the patient and medical personnel relationship, as well as the service level. Interprofessional collaboration has been known worldwide to improve the patient experience through a well-managed patient care. the Tiptop Medical Centre together with its staff have a duty to build the spirit of teamwork which will reduce the service turnaround and eventually improve the level of care.Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay. Need to cite source of evidence of these assertions. Are there best practices that are recommended by professional organizations or federal agencies that could be implemented? COMMENTS: Most content is clearly conveyed. However, there are numerous grammatical errors where the nouns and verbs are not the same tense. COMMENTS: You provide relevant sources but there are facts and assertions that are made throughout the paper that are missing supporting evidence and cited sources. You need to review APA formatting for many citations and some references. Please review the links below. Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Essay.