Cultural sensitivity into your daily functions as a sonographer essay

Cultural sensitivity into your daily functions as a sonographer essay

Using relevant textbooks and the online library, research how you will recognize and integrate cultural sensitivity into your daily functions as a sonographer. You must include at least 3 sources and reference them according to APA format. Do NOT use any websites unless approved by your instructor first.


You will be graded on grammar, spelling, content, organization, mechanics, and references. Please see rubric for details.

The library assignment is worth one quiz grade.

SON1000C Intro to DMS


Content Introduction present

Clearly focused on the topic

Idea development clear and detailed

Convincing and strong conclusion

Meets the requirements as described in the assignment.*

Introduction unclear

Unclear focus on the topic

Idea development uneven and/or simplistic

Weak conclusion

Missing 1-2 requirements as described in the assignment.*

No introduction

Off topic

Idea development ineffective and vague

Incomplete or no conclusion.

Missing more than 2 requirements as described in the assignment.*

Organization Paragraphs organized and logical

Strong topic sentences

Easy to follow

Effective, varied transitions

Ineffective paragraph order; no paragraph separation.

Narrow topic sentences

Few or unclear transitions

Inconsistent paragraph order; no paragraph separation.

Topic sentences missing

Transitions missing

Mechanics Near flawless spelling (1-2errors)

Near flawless grammar (1- 2 errors)

Sentence structure correct.

Some careless spelling errors (more than 2; less than 4)

Some careless grammatical errors (more than 2; less than 4)

Near flawless sentence structure (less than 2 errors)

More than 4 spelling errors

More than 4 grammatical errors

Fragments present

Run-on sentences present.

References Lists 2-3 references for the assignment.

Includes Name of reference, author, year of publication, publisher OR name of journal, page number of reference.

Lists 1 reference for the assignment.

Incomplete reference.

No references listed.
Total 40 points 20 pts 0 pts

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Grader Signature Date

Cultural sensitivity into your daily functions as a sonographer essay