Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.

Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.


In this case, the patient holds the right to autonomy or self-determination to consent to be treated or refuse any treatment provided. Even though the patient is at risk for complications of diabetes mellitus type 2, and immediate intervention is needed, the patient, not the hospital, should decide regarding the treatment and management to be given or not.Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.


The hospital, especially health care personnel, cannot force the patient to receive treatment without any consent or without telling the patient; failure to do so may cause some legal issues like intentional touching of somebody without any consent. Health teaching is fundamental because it gives detailed information to patients why a particular intervention or procedure is needed, possible risks and complications, and alternative options for treatment (Bastable, 2015). It is the patient’s right to veracity or truth. The truth about her condition and be well informed even though how devastating it might be. Having been informed of the case, the patient may consent for treatment or initiate cooperation, which is useful throughout the treatment process.Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.

On the other hand, the physician and other healthcare personnel like nurses and pharmacists who are directly involved with the patient are faced with the ethical principle of beneficence and non-maleficence. Both of which can be applied in the given scenario. The ethical principle of beneficence, which means to do good, health care personnel are challenge whether to continue with the insulin intervention, which is beneficial for the patient, but the patient is totally against it (Zolkefli, 2018). How can they provide therapeutic interventions when the patient is against it all the time? Would they give the insulin and continue with their oath to take care of their patients? Or would they decide to protect themselves from any legal issues instead? The ethical principle of non-maleficence, which means not to harm, can also be applied to the scenario. If the health care personnel respect the patient’s decision, possibly life-threatening complications may arise, which might ultimately harm the client.Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.

Detail a treatment plan that considers the multifactorial considerations. Specifically, discuss ethical principles.

My treatment plan would be as follows. First is to provide health teaching to the patient and family why the insulin treatment is essential and the possible risks it may cause if not taken. This is to give the patient all the necessary information needed to help her decide whether to provide consent or not for the intervention. That way, I’m exercising the patient’s right to autonomy and freedom to veracity or truth, the right to be informed (Harish, Kumar&Singh, 2015).Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay. If the patient still refused, I would tell the issue with the attending physical involved. The physician might speak with the patient to help her decide. I would also ask the patient’s significant other or the family to gather information, which might help me realized why the patient refused the procedure. The patient may have psychosocial factors that might lead to her decision. She may be experiencing trypanophobia or extreme fear from injections or needles. If so, I could communicate with the physician and suggest systematic desensitization in the treatment process. In this method, we could reduce or altogether remove the phobia that the patient might be experiencing by gradually exposing the stimulus with a relaxation technique to help condition the patient to the stimuli.Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Principles Essay.