Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.


Strategies for Concept Development and Analysis
This week examines concept development and analysis, which, along with theory, is a critical aspect of nursing research. Whether a concept (also called phenomena) is abstract or more concrete, it exists within a particular context and may be interpreted in multiple ways. Clarifying or generating a shared understanding of what a particular concept is or means is therefore vitally important. As such, you will apply this approach to a research topic relevant to your nursing practice, and evaluate the steps in this process as demonstrated in a research article. Building on that knowledge base, the focus now turns to how concept analysis and development applies to theory. You will evaluate the conceptual components of theory, and articulate the relationships that link concepts within a theory.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.


Students will:
• Evaluate the conceptual components of theory utilized in nursing practice
• Determine the structural relationship of concepts and statements to a theory applied in nursing practice

Assignment: Creating a Concept Map
This Assignment provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the conceptual components of a theory. Building on this week’s Discussion, you will build a concept map to express the linkages and interrelationships of the concepts in the middle range theory you have selected.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.
To prepare:
• Explore the various concept maps presented in Chapter 7 of The Practice of Nursing Research, as well as the Cooper and Veo articles.
• Using the information presented in the Learning Resources as a guide, consider the linkages and interrelationships of the conceptual concepts for the theory you identified for this week’s Discussion (see attachment). What relational statements could be articulated?
• Create a concept map demonstrating the linkages and interrelationships of the theoretical concepts. Include a clear problem and purpose statement. Express relational statements linking the concepts, literally and diagrammatically. You may use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
• Include references from the literature to support your work.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Required Readings
McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.
• Chapter 4, \”Theory Development: Structuring Conceptual Relationships in Nursing\”

Chapter 4 discusses theory development and examines the components of theories: concepts, theoretical statements, assumptions, and model development. In addition, the interrelationship between theory, research, and practice is examined.
• Chapter 6, \”Overview of Grand Nursing Theories\”

Chapter 6 presents an overview of grand theories and how they have influenced nursing practice and research.
Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
• Review Chapter 8, \”Frameworks\”

Cooper, E. (2009). Creating a culture of professional development: A milestone pathway tool for registered nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(11), 501-508.
This article describes how a culture of professional development is found to have a positive impact on nurse retention and satisfaction, creating a culture of professional development.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Perkins, M., Jensen, P., Jaccard, J., Gollwitzer, P., Oettingen, G., Pappadopulos, E., & Hoagwood, K. (2007). Applying theory-driven approaches to understanding and modifying clinicians\’ behavior: what do we know? Psychiatric Services, 58(3), 342-348.
This article provides an examination of theory-driven approaches for understanding a clinician’s behavior through the analysis of their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

Rushing, A. M. (2008). The unitary life pattern of persons experiencing serenity in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(3), 198-210.
This article discusses a research study that utilizes Newman’s grand theory as a part of its theoretical framework.

Veo, P. (2010). Concept mapping for applying theory to nursing practice. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 26(1), 17-22. doi: 10.1097/NND.0b013e3181cc2d6f
This article explores the use of concept mapping as a tool used to apply theory into daily nursing practices.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Woods, N. F., & Magyary, D. L. (2010). Translational research: Why nursing’s interdisciplinary collaboration is essential. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 24(1), 9–24. doi:10.1891/1541-6577.24.1.9
This article focuses on the use of translation research within the nursing profession and strategies for nursing leadership to apply translation practices.
Optional Resources
Panniers, T. L., Feuerbach, R. D., & Soeken, K. L. (2003). Methods in informatics: Using data derived from a systematic review of health care texts to develop a concept map for use in the neonatal intensive care setting. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(4–5), 232–239. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2003.09.010

Theory is composed of various concepts as is research. Middle range theory includes two or more concepts, of which a specialized concept is in included. The middle range theories have some characteristics which include: (1) they are not wide-ranging (2) settings and specialties are generalized (3) concepts are restricted in numbers (4) propositions are mentioned in a clear manner (5) implementation of hypothesis which can be tested (McEwen &Wills, 2019). According to Gray, Grove, & Sutherland (2017), middle range theories were implemented from grand theories, clinical perceptions, and research discoveries.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Conceptual Components of Comfort Theory as applied to Nursing

The chosen theory for this discussion is the comfort theory credited to Katherine Kolcaba. Katherine implemented this theory while attending graduate school 1988. The comfort theory was founded in 1994 and then modified in 2001 (McEwen & Wills, 2019). According to McEwen and Wills (2019), the comfort theory is defined as the basic satisfying concept of the needs of human beings such as relief, feeling at ease, or transcendence that is produced from a stressful situation.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay. The comfort needs of the patient is observed by the nurse and reported by the patient, then interventions are performed by the nurse. The concept of the comfort theory can be conformed in any aspectof health care arena(McEwen & Wills, 2019). It is imperative for nursing to understand the concept of comfort, so they will have the ability to provide and encourage holistic patient care (Shu, 2017). Holistic should consists of interventions encompassing the environment, social needs, physical aspect of the patient, and psychospiritual (Shu, 2017). The major components of the comfort therapy include: comforting desires of patient, quantity of comfort needed, manners of health-seeking, integrity of the facility, and intervening variables(McEwen & Wills, 2019).Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Concepts Observed and Measured in Practice

The comfort theory is observed and measured in nursing when nurses utilize the pain scale to assess the pain level of a hurting patient. Then pain medication is administrated according the pain level. Pain is reassessed in 30 minutes to assess the effectiveness of pain. Pain can also be relieved by applying non-pharmacological methods such as heat, elevation of an extremity or cold. A pain scale is utilized to determine the level of pain. The patient is medicated based on the number on the pain scale.Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

Insights of Comfort Therapy

Kolcaba implemented various tools to help guide the research of the Theory of comfort. Some of the research tools utilized include: Verbal Rating Scale Questionnaire, the Radiation Therapy Comfort Questionnaire, the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire, Urinary Incontinence and Frequency Comfort Questionnaire and the Comfort Behaviors Checklist, these were established to aid inmeasurement of comfort of those individuals who are unable to utilize the usual questionnaire or tools (McEwen & Wills, 2019).Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.

According to McEwen &Wills (2019), other research studieshave been performed by Kolcaba and her fellow colleagues utilizing the tools mentioned above. Instruments were used to investigate the effectiveness of end of life of classes for nurses related to death anxiety, understanding of the dying, and issues related to death (McEwen & Wills, 2019).Conceptual Components of Theory Essay.