Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.


Nations are encircled by monetary issues, health within economic aspect in a way that it offers budget and financing, is now more of a problem rather than just provision of medical needs. As healthcare needs arises, the costs grew along with it.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

Nowadays, people are battered with high costs of living expectations. Almost all commodities on earth have risen and probably soon will continue steadily to rise. Healthcare system in particular offers people additional burden, whereas, it ought to be cost-free, provided by the federal government of each region. Though, it is one of the key responsibility of the country’s authorities, each resident is part of their own administration. Therefore, people should help maintain the health system of their state through contributions, such as paying health care insurance or fees and taxes.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

Health treatment, is a straightforward word, but intricate in nature. It really is composed of many aspects that are interconnected to each other. From education, implementation, manpower and resources. Though there are 4 major key factors, out of this four, there are two main determinants, manpower and resources, with these two present and strongly managed, the other two will follow.

In Canada, where health and well-being of people is one of the most prioritize by their government, whereas, their federal gives ample amount of subsidies to keep up and improve their health services and systems. But, problems of increasing costs of healthcare will be a huge challenge that the government of Canada and its people are facing at the moment and in the near future.

In this research study, the financial issues will be mentioned, particularly the increasing cost of general healthcare that limits the market leaders of Canadian people in rendering different health services. This may handle about the bearings of countrywide and international regulations. And the alternatives and interventions that are being done internationally through education and training, duty benefits and payments to caregivers, respite care and attention, business regulations incorporating work and attention offering, financial support and provision of pension credits for good care giving.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

Each possible alternatives will be mentioned and analysed, to better understand its implications and the positive results it may lead.


Health system in Canada are damaged with different issues, both countrywide and international. Financial matters among the leading worry at present due to increasing expenses, this subject have gigantic impact both local health insurance policy of Canada and globally.

Social and financial policy can give selections to increased health care spending for conserving and improving health. In considering health bearings of public and private guidelines in a roundabout way related to health care as mechanism for promoting health and preventing or alleviating disease, the cost-effectiveness of non-health plans can also be greatly increased.

International and countrywide technique to counter the ever increasing costs of health care needs, in my judgment is to make services affordable to the public through least contribution in insurances specifically in medical coverage. This notion can be utilized by most countries specifically by second and third world country.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

In Canada, where professional medical system can be an assemblage of socialized health insurance plans that offers coverage to all Canadian citizens. It really is publicly subsidised and aimed on the provincial or regional basis, within standard place by the government. Each individual receive preventive health care and procedures from primary doctors as well as access to hospitals, dental surgery and extra medical services. Though there are certain exceptions, all citizens be eligible for health coverage regardless of health background, personal income, or standard of living. Like any other country, Canada seek reforms in their health care system to preserve its wonderful service among its own people. Political controversy and question develops as they handle budget distribution about how to give health services regularly and advocating to look at the private system which is similar that of United states. In in contrast, there are doubts that privatization would eventually lead to inequality in medical system with only the wealthy being able to afford. Notwithstanding of the political argument Canada boast one of the highest life span (around 80 years) and lowest loss of life rates on newborns in comparison to other industrialized countries. (canadian-healthcare. org)

Like Canada, most of the countries about the world, their administration, considers private-public relationship to help ease the load of health care expenses. This matter will help the federal government to allocate more funds and at the same time lower the outlays in budget of healthcare related problems.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.


They are striking steps that are being done to resolve arising problems of increasing healthcare expenses by many nations throughout the world. Among these solutions are education and training, tax benefits and obligations to caregivers, respite treatment, business regulations merging work and caregiving, financial support and provision of pension credits for care supplying. These 5 key factors will help ease some concerns regarding derailing health budget.

  1. Education and Training

Education and training are essential to maintain professionalism and competency among people who work in the health care field. Also, these two factors can help healthcare experts to adjust and keep in rate with the ever changing technology and challenges that are appearing in this modern day world. Professionalism and reliability and competency can be achieved through workshops and trainings by field experts or the staffs within institutions.

According to Education As Service, training and education in medical care industry takes on important role for the successive success of an organisation. The industry of health care is unpredictable which is critical for each affiliate of professional medical professionals to face each scenarios through training. Additionally it is needed to ensure the quality of service rendered to each client, to achieve the standards each workers must be evaluated and trained to learn if indeed they suit certain requirements and have the knowledge to fill in the job explanation. Hence, it can decrease errors in the future. (Education As Service)

I agree with the latter declaration. First, not only it will help strengthen the key competency and professionalism and reliability of healthcare individuals but also ensure the protection of these patients anticipated to evasion of problem. Another is, with trained and competent people handling every life will help save money. Mistakes in medication for example, can result to further expenses, test alone to determine the cause and power of damage done will demand a hefty sum of money. And last but not the least, there is a saying “prevention is preferable to cure”, in this case, healthcare individuals who are trained and informed in different field and situations, can coach people of their reach or community, to live on a healthy lifestyle, and present them basic information and services to help alleviate preventing sedentary and damaging way of living which can save people in their society. Thus, will lower health care expenditures.

  1. Tax Benefits and payments to caregivers

Taking good care of older or person with impairment is a daunting task, yet it only give caregivers little reimbursement, going out of them financial unstable. Therefore, caregivers must have tax bonuses and better payment, to allow them to match their daily expenditures and continue steadily to look after their patients.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

Aside from low income scheduled to nominal salary and bonuses in duty most caregivers, find themselves financial stressed in their current and later life. The economical well-being of carers is greatly lost, this includes health and leisure time and other effects like the occupation situation, the finances, the caregivers’ pension preparedness, and the over-all later life financial security of the caregivers. (NC Condition University)Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.

In my perspective, if caregivers don’t have enough taxes benefits and reimbursement, almost all of them can look for better opportunities in life, living their patients in great jeopardy, being forsaken. Many caregivers will seek professional progression by changing their type of work that will give them high salary to preserve their living conditions and offer leisure for themselves and households. It will have an effect on the family who seek help of the caregiver, one of them will sacrifice their job and time to care for their own relatives, whereas will cause income shortage in the family and most will probably cause scarcity in other essential labor force, that in the future may have remarkable impact on nation’s economy all together.

  1. Respite Care

Respite care provides certain relief to family members and caregivers for a few period of time in a sense so it helped them manage up with stress for a certain time while their patient is in respite good care. Also Respite can assist in saving ample sum of money of government generally.

According to Archrespite. org, respite care is one of the principal services that Alzheimer’s caregivers say the necessity most. In a study, they discovered that if respite care and attention delays institutionalization of an person with Alzheimer’s diseases by as little as one month, an estimated 1. 12 billion U. S. dollars is saved on a yearly basis. Another study should go along with the effect, it delays or manage to lower down the need for nursing homes, by which big money were also kept. (archrespite. org)

The above affirmation only concludes that respite care and attention will play a vital role in saving cash, not only by people requiring caregiving service but also the federal government in wider point of view. If many patient, will go through respite care instead of going right to nursing homes, home cares or Alzheimer’s device, government will save big money because hospitalization will demand more manpower, medical needs and treatment that could be manage in a more simple way in respite institutions. Also, caregivers and family members will involve some time to cope with the strain in interacting to a disabled or psychologically challenged patient or relative.

  1. Business Regulations Merging Work and Treatment Giving

Regulation are written and integrated to assure the product quality work and guarantee of responsibility of delegated responsibilities. However, rules can even be used to ensure that family member should not be neglected, especially the old people who once work and preserve the economy of your respective country at their primary. Conversely, this rule is taken for granted by many companies and employers. To create matter worst, employees, who seek leave to do caregiving in another of their family members or good friends are facing work problems because of doubt of the position that they keep in their own company, whether they will still have their job or they have to find a fresh one.

In accordance with the latter statement, in America there are growing society of the elderly that needs caregiving from their loved ones. People who are willing to look after their own family members seek coverage from their work with time they have to apply for leave to manage their love ones requiring assistance. Also, they would like to have paid leave, because in addition they needed money to preserve their living while they are looking after their own family. According to review 62 percent of personnel aged 45 and 74 give care with their love ones, 37 percent of the people manage their own spouses, 16 parent or guardian or parent-in-law percent, 6 percent another adult family member and the remaining 3 percent are taking care of their friend. Plus its 74% of people with elder responsibilities have been in workforce in some point in their caregiving participation. These people doubts that they don’t have family or medical leave and they feel pressure and stress of getting rid of their job because they need time off for caregiving duties. Most of them take unpaid leave to manage their love ones and sacrifice their lot of money and somewhat satisfaction if they still have employment when they keep coming back. (aarp. org)

In my estimation, this unfortunate circumstance isn’t only limited on United states but also in many nations throughout the world. In the Philippines in most cases, a family member is forced to give up work (usually women) to take care of their relatives requiring assistance in everyday living, reducing income and professional development, because their employers lack support and there is absolutely no law to safeguard them from being dismissed from work when they take little while to give importance and help those individuals who took attention of these when there have been still little.

This insurance plan lacking may cause worker shortage in the future if not given immediate attention, because eventually increasing age population will start to boom, and their comparative will be required to look after them. If the federal government fails to outline some solutions to safeguard workers or give employees protection in case they will record leave of lack once a year or couple days in a month and give guarantee that they will not be fired from work. Furthermore, government also should establish guidelines about paid leave of absence in case an employee is within need to give care to 1 of their relative or love ones. If dealt with properly, workers will have less concerns in their brain in times they’ll make an application for leave to care for their own patients. Thus, can function properly when they head back to work from caregiving. Thus, same focus and level of proficiency can be shown and employees will be more focused on comply and present their finest in their work place. At the same time, the market of countries will not be influenced, because their people will remain in their company after caregiving duties. Therefore, poverty level will not rise. Last however, not the least, authorities can save money giving less subsidies to home care and attention and clinic services because elder people are greatly looked after at home.

  1. Financial Support and Provision of Pension for Health care Giving

Financial support and provision of pension is one of essential aspect in any form of job especially for people doing caregiving in their own members of the family. This can be a large help in financial restraints that a family caregiver is experiencing or will be experiencing, scheduled to lack of time focusing on professional work. If enough financial provision are given to a family group caregiver, he or she will have more time and focus to render his or her love to a member of family need physical assistance in performing activities of everyday living.

According to Janice Keefe and Pamela Fancey in their research about “Compensating Family Caregivers: An Evaluation of Tax Initiatives and Pension Plans”, tax relief, pension credits or public security benefits are called indirect financial assistance. People that can avail this either if they are the individual itself who is needing of attention or medical company, but its primary goal is to provide support to caregivers in economic means. This structure is targeted at encouraging family to look after their own family members or shoulder more of the costs of caregiving. On economical view its definitive goal is to diminish or delay the institutionalisation of the persons carefully needs and in doing so lessening the expenses to medical care system.

The idea in second option paragraph is convincing to the fact that, First of all if family is designated to care for their own patients, the attention that’ll be rendered will be more passionate and caring manner. Thus, it’ll ease the hurting of patients having nostalgic moment while they are really needing assistance in their lifestyle and therefore might help patients improve or maintain their state of mind and well-being or slow down the deterioration of disease. Second it will save the family money and avail pension and duty privileges. Finally, it also will help government to lessen their expenditures because home care is cheaper than rest homes and clinics.Benefits of General Medical care in Canada Essay.


In finish, most countries throughout the world are facing challenges in their healthcare system. The financial troubles which is crucial, must be dealt with accordingly. It is best if each country will lower down the contributions in health insurances and Medicare so that many people, especially the poor will have a chance to avail medical services if not cost-free at lower costs. Also with less expensive of health insurances, the government will have more funds to fund health needs of several people, because many people will pay to avail quality services in the event they will require it in the foreseeable future or one of these family. Also, The 5 solutions that are laid in the desk, education and training, duty benefits and repayments to caregivers, respite treatment, business regulations incorporating work and care giving, financial support and provision of pension credits for health care giving. These five remedies to counter inflating costs of healthcare services can have a direct indirect effect in the economy of your country.