Arnold Palmer Hospital Flowchart Essay.

Arnold Palmer Hospital Flowchart Essay.


TUI UNIVERSITY John A. Voorhees Module 2 Case OPM 300: Introduction to Operations Management Dr. Joseph Michael Thomas 21 December 2011 Arnold Palmer Hospital The flowchart that Diane designed is perfect. Diane’s flowchart explains the process in detail of how Arnold Palmer Hospital began the procedure. Being Diane’s new assistant, we can improve the flowchart by being more precise. The flowchart can be presented in small point and explain the process and flow of maternity patients.Arnold Palmer Hospital Flowchart Essay.

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The flowchart can also be classified into the birth mothers having complications and mothers having zero complications, so any caretaker of the birth mother can read the criteria. The information regarding the floors like registration, labor and triage room, the delivery room should be mentioned in a different way or highlighted so, the birth mother’s relative or caretaker don’t have problems locating them in the hospital. Flowchart Step 1 – Entrance to labor & delivery room



Step 2 – If the baby is born en route or the birth is imminent; they are registered, taken to bedside Step 3 – If the baby is not born yet, the front desk asks the mother for preregistered, for this they have to go to the registration office located on the 1st floor of the hospital Step 4 – The pregnant mother is taken to Labor & delivery Triage located on the 8th floor for assessment Step 5 – If mother is ready for delivery, she is sent to the Labor & Delivery room on the 2nd floor until the baby is born Step 6 – If the mother is not ready to deliver, she is sent home to return on a later date & reenter the system at that time Step 7 – When the baby is born and no complications, the mother and baby are transferred to a mother-baby care unit room on floors 3, 4, or 5 for 40-44 hours Step 8 – If the birth mother has complications, she is taken to an operation room or ICU unit. Complications for the infant should be kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NIUC) before transferring to the baby nursery Step 9 – If the baby can’t be stabilized for discharge with the birth mother, the baby will be discharged at a later date/time Step 10 – Birth mother and/or infant, when ready, are discharged and taken by wheelchair to the hospital exit

When a birth mother is scheduled for a Caesarean-section birth there are no specific changes within the flowchart. The flowchart will stay the same up to step number five. After this next step would be as if the birth mother is scheduled for a caesarean operation, then she would be taken directly to the operation room (ICU), and her caesarean operation would start. After the successful caesarean operation, the birth mother and newborn baby would be transferred to the mother-baby care unit. If the birth mothers are electronically (or manually) pre-registered before the 28 to 30 week mark, there would be no need to do Step number 3 in the flowchart. New Flowchart Step 1 – Entrance to labor & delivery room

Step 2 – If the baby is born en route or the birth is imminent; they are registered, taken to bedside Step 3 – The pregnant mother is taken to Labor & delivery Triage located on the 8th floor for assessment Step 4 – If mother is ready for delivery, she is sent to the Labor & Delivery room on the 2nd floor until the baby is born Step 5 – If the mother is not ready to deliver, she is sent home to return on a later date & reenter the system at that time Step 6 – When the baby is born and no complications, the mother and baby are transferred to a mother-baby care unit room on floors 3, 4, or 5 for 40-44 hours Step 7 – If the birth mother has complications, she is taken to an operation room or ICU unit.Arnold Palmer Hospital Flowchart Essay.

Complications for the infant should be kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NIUC) before transferring to the baby nursery Step 8 – If the baby can’t be stabilized for discharge with the birth mother, the baby will be discharged at a later date/time Step 9 – Birth mother and/or infant, when ready, are discharged and taken by wheelchair to the hospital exit The process that Arnold Palmer Hospital can study and analyze to make its services that they provide better are the entry of the birth mother taken in to the labor room, conduct test assessments of the mother and the baby, if the test results come back normal, prepare the birth mother for delivery, and if there are complications, the birth mother should be prepared for a cesarean operation urgently. References Arnold Palmer Hospital, (2011). Retrieved December 21, 2011 from http://orlandohealth. com/arnoldpalmerhospital/index. aspx.Arnold Palmer Hospital Flowchart Essay.