Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.


5-8 pages (not including title & reference page), Title & reference page no abstract, 3-5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence. appropriate section headings organized by the scoring guide (see attachment). Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Develop a 5–10-year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.


Note: You will use your care setting environmental analysis as the basis for developing your strategic plan in this assessment.


The feedback you received on your care setting environmental analysis has been positive. Consequently, you have been asked to select one of the potential improvement projects you noted in your analysis (1st paper see attachment) and create a full, 5–10-year strategic plan to achieve the desired quality and safety improvement outcomes. You will develop your strategic plan, using either an AI approach (addressing the design stage), or by building on your SWOT analysis and applying a strategic planning model of your choice. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

How you structure your plan should be based on whether you are taking an appreciative inquiry approach or using a specific strategic planning model. Regardless of the approach you choose, the requester of the plan has asked that you address the key points outlined below in the strategic plan requirements. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

1. Develops strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting, and impartially considers potential barriers.

  • Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that reflect specific quality and safety improvements for your care setting. You should have at least one short-term goal (just-in-time to one year) and one long-term goal (five years or longer).
  • Determine realistic timelines for achieving your goals.
  • Explain how your short-term goals support your long-term goals.
    • Note: For plans based on an AI approach, the goal statements and outcomes are provocative propositions that may be refinements of the positive, yet attainable, goals that you proposed during the dream phase of your inquiry. For plans based on a SWOT analysis, the goal statements and outcomes are specific, measurable, and applicable to the area of concern in your analysis for which you proposed pursuing improvements. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.
  • 2.  Justifies the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting, and identifies areas of uncertainty or knowledge gaps.
    • Analyze the extent to which your strategic goals and outcomes, and your approach to achieving them, address:
    • The ethical environment.
    • The cultural environment.
    • The use of technology.
    • Applicable health care policies, laws, and regulations.
  • 3.  Analyzes the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments. Impartially considers the limitations of the goals and outcomes. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.
  • 4.  Explains how relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives, and identifies gaps, limitations, or mismatches in theories.
    • Explain, in general, how you will use relevant leadership and health care theories to help achieve your proposed strategic goals and outcomes. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.
    • Consider whether different theories are more applicable to the short-term or long-term goals of your strategic plan.
  • 5.  Evaluates the leadership qualities and skills that will be most important to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, and identifies assumptions underlying the evaluation.
    • Identify those leadership qualities and skills that are essential to achieving your goals and outcomes and sustaining strategic direction.Identify those leadership qualities and skills that will have the greatest effect on the success of your plan. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.
    • Part 2
    • Power Point: strategic visioning with stakeholders based off paper
    • Prepare a 10–20-slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session.
    • The implementation and success of a strategic plan depends on the support of key stakeholders. This in turn depends on your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with decision makers and to sell your vision of the future. You must also be able to lead the initiative and sustain strategic direction. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to showcase your strategic thinking and exercise the communication skills necessary to move your strategic plan forward toward implementation. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Note: In this assessment, you will develop a presentation to stakeholders for the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2.


Your strategic plan has been reviewed, and you have been asked to present your plan—including operational recommendations and strategic control mechanisms—at a strategic visioning session with key stakeholders (senior leaders if your plan is organization-wide, community leaders if your plan is for a community health project, or the nurse manager of a specific department or team). This session is the next step in moving your plan toward implementation. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Your deliverable for this assessment is a slide deck of 10–20 slides to supplement your presentation and facilitate discussion of your plan.  Reference slide as well. You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other suitable presentation software. Please use the notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and reference your sources, as appropriate. Each slide title should correspond with each of the 1-7 scoring guidelines below. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

  1. Summarizes a strategic plan aimed at achieving desired quality or safety improvements within a care setting, and notes inherent weaknesses or threats. Summarize your plan for achieving 2–3 main goals. Include corresponding metrics, targets, and initiatives to help achieve the desired quality or safety improvements in the care setting.
  2. Explains a strategy for communicating with stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, and identifies assumptions on which the strategies are based. Identify the key individuals or groups with whom you must communicate. Identify the cultural or ethical factors, if any, that are relevant to the design of your communication plan, including how key individuals or groups typically prefer to be contacted. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.
  3. Describes the necessary actions for aligning the structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills of a care setting with strategic goals; proposes criteria for evaluating the success of orientation and on-boarding. Describe the changes that are needed to achieve your goals. Describe the goals and processes for on-boarding relevant individuals or groups.
  4. Explains how the implementation and outcomes of a strategic plan will be evaluated against current performance benchmarks, and identifies areas of uncertainty or knowledge gaps. Define successful implementation. Describe the successful outcomes for this project. Explain how will you compare outcomes to current performance benchmarks. Explain how will you collect data to evaluate whether you have achieved specific goals and outcomes. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. Identify your priorities, assuming you cannot accomplish everything.
  5. Explains how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influence the design of a strategic plan and strategies for its implementation; identifies potential conflicts related to cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations.
  6. Explains one’s role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, and identifies assumptions. Explain how leadership and health care theories support your role.
  7. Explains why one’s leadership qualities and skills are well suited to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction, including plans that acknowledge opportunities for personal growth. Explain why should you be the one to lead this initiative. Explain how have you demonstrated some or all of these qualities in past work. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Strategic Plan of a Care Setting Based on Assessment Done Through the Appreciative Inquiry or AI Model

After the care setting environmental assessment by way of the appreciative inquiry or AI model, the next step is now the development of a five year strategic plan aimed at meeting the dream goals established during the assessment. This is the roadmap that will guide the stakeholders in the organization on how to realise the destiny that was designed after the discovery of past positive actions and dreaming of the future actions that will help sustain the positivity. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. The AI strategy of analysis on which this strategic plan is based rejects deficit thinking and instead uses strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results or SOAR. As such, a SOAR strategic planning approach will be a positive choice compared to SWOT and will encourage employee innovation through positive actions. It does this through a participatory approach by focusing on the future and what healthcare employees in the care setting can do to ensure that the organization succeeds (Wadsworth et al., 2016). The AI model is strength-based and will, through this strategic plan, guide the organization dialogues and actions to ultimately give rise to positive organizational change. The model will help leverage employee strengths both individually and collectively as well as the past experiences for future success of the care setting (He & Oxendine, 2018). The AI analysis of the care setting done will therefore help achieve transformational change through the use of this strategic plan as a roadmap. This way, the AI analysis done and its SOAR paradigm will provide a platform for positive revolution within the care setting (Harmon et al., 2012). This paper outlines the strategic plan that is the result of the environmental assessment doneon the initial care setting. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The Strategic Plan for the Period 2020-2024

A strategic plan is a guiding document that works by keeping the stakeholders of an organization on course and helps them realise set organizational objectives and goals. In this care setting, there are dreams for the future that were unveiled during the AI analysis that define a desired destiny. This care plan aims to steer the care setting to this destiny.

  1. Mission, Vision, and Core VAlues

Mission or Purpose of the Care Setting

To provide the best cost-effective quality primary health care services that are safe to the marginalised demographic of the population for those with and without health insurance coverage, using evidence-based interventions and placing less emphasis on profitability. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Vision of the Care Setting

            To be the leading affordable provider of basic healthcare services to all citizens regardless of socio-economic status, and with presence all around the country.

The Core Values of the Care Setting

These are the values that will guide the actions and conduct of all the stakeholders within the care setting. They are the values that will define the organizational culture of the care setting with regard to service delivery to patients, their next of kin and other customers. The values are: Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

  1. Dignity and respect

Treating each and every patient, employee, supplier, debtor, creditor, and visitor with utmost respect and dignity and without discrimination based on color, religion, creed, ethnicity, gender, or language.

  1. Justice and compassion

Avoiding the use of socio-economic status as a reason for withhold healthcare services to deserving persons visiting the care setting.

  • Workplace psychological safety

Creating a conducive and welcoming work environment for all where every employee feels wanted, valued, appreciated, and important in the achievement of the care setting’s strategic goals. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

  1. Care quality and patient safety

Having the patient as the central reference point in all actions taken by nurses, physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurse assistants. The same applies toall other health workers within the care setting,as well as the management. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

  1. Honesty and integrity

Upholding integrity and honesty in all transactions undertaken with or for the benefit of stakeholders.

  1. Fairness in employee engagement

Encouraging employees to always do their best; with the knowledge that their actions will benefit the care setting and that it will be fairly rewarded. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

  1. Situational Analysis (Appreciative Inquiry) Findings

The appreciative inquiry (AI) analysis that was undertaken on this care setting for the purpose of crafting this strategic plan focused on the first 2Ds of the 4D cycle that defines it. These are the discovery phase and the dream phase, in that order. The provocative propositions in this strategic plan will therefore reflect the dream proposals that were stated in the dream phase of the AI analysis. In the discovery phase, two stories of success were singled out and narrated as received from two employees by way of questionnaire interviews. Out of these, three dream proposals of positive and attainable quality improvement goals were formulated. These were (i) nurse and clinician empowerment for positive impactful actions; (ii) promotion of transformational leadership at the helm of each department, unit, and the entire care setting; and (iii) having care setting management that consults the nurses and clinicians on institutional procedures and ways of delivering care, taking into account their input in coming up with any measures or changes. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

III. Strategic Goal Statements or Provocative Propositions

Long-Term Strategic Goal Statement (Big Hairy Audacious Goal or BHAG)

  • The nurses and all other cadres of healthcare workers in all the care setting centers around the country know that they are empowered to take appropriate actions based on their good judgement without fear or asking for permission first, for the safety of the patient and in the quest to provide the best possible healthcare services or nursing care. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The timeline for achieving the above provocative proposition or BHAG will be a period of five years. This is because it is throughout this period that the care setting envisions that it will have expanded to the whole country. The potential barrier for this will be the ability of the care setting’s management to find and successfully recruit staff who are aligned with the positive thinking of SOAR (Wadsworth et al., 2016).

Short-term Strategic Goal Statements or Provocative Propositions

  • The management of the care setting and all its other sister centers around the country prioritises the appointment of only nurse managers who have shown transformational leadership to head units and departments.
  • The management of the care setting and all its other sister centers countrywide practices a bottom-up approach to management, exercises an open-door policy, welcomes employee opinions and criticism, and consults the healthcare workers in their teams before implementing any changes that affect them or their work. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

How the short-term goals support the long-term goal

The short-term goals support the long-term goal in that it can be clearly seen that the achievement of the short-term goals is a step towards making the long-term goal a reality. A transformational nurse leader of a unit or department will make sure that the workplace is conducive, welcoming, and interesting to work in for all the nurses and other staff working in it. This will create psychological safety, empower nurses and other health workers in the department, and ultimately translate to quality nursing care/ healthcare services and patient safety. Also, taking in the opinions of nurses and allied workers and tolerating criticism empowers the healthcare workers and makes them more drawn to their work, improving quality of care. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes

The above strategic goals and outcomes are definitely relevant to the care setting’s mission, vision, and core values. The general theme in both the short-term and the long-term goals is employee empowerment. The care setting’s mission is to provide the best quality safe and affordable primary healthcare services, while its vision is to be the leading provider of these quality and safe services to all without discrimination in the whole country. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. None of these aspirations is achievable if the healthcare workforce does not feel empowered. Only an empowered workforce can be driven to take the initiative and responsibility to offer great services and assure patient safety, making the care setting the best in the process. The values of the care setting include fairness, justice, integrity, dignity and respect, justice and compassion, and workplace psychological safety. Empowering the nurses and other allied healthcare workers will not only achieve these but also make the healthcare workers practice them as the organizational culture. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The only area of uncertainty would be whether the regulatory frameworks in some states would allow the staff to practice this organizational culture. A good example is the lack of full practice authority in states that only allow reduced and restricted practice for nurse practitioners under the supervision of a physician. In these states, the scope of practice would limit the options of the nurse practitioner in engaging in positive actionsthat result in stories such as were revealed during the appreciative inquiry.

How the above strategic goals address the ethical and cultural environments,the use of technology, and healthcare policies, laws, and regulations

The above strategic goals address the ethical environment in that the empowered nurse, for instance, will take actions that only benefit the patient (beneficence) and does not harm them (nonmaleficence) since patient safety is guaranteed. They also address the cultural environment in that the empowered nurse and allied healthcare worker in this care setting will work by the care setting’s core value of dignity and respect. This means that they will not discriminate but will respect cultural diversity. Also, empowerment involves using the latest healthcare technological innovations and upskilling the staff to be able to fruitfully utilise them in healthcare provision. Lastly,the strategic goals address the applicable healthcare policies in that an empowered nurse, for instance, will be able to provide evidence-based care all the time which is what the current healthcare policy recommends. The goals also address the laws and regulations in that the empowered healthcare workforce in the care setting is guided by ethical core values and allowed to exercise their professional standards of practice to the fullest level of their education and training. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

How relevant leadership and healthcare theories will be useful

As has been stated above, the most relevant type of leadership that will allow for the achievement of the stated strategic goals or provocative propositions is transformational leadership that s bottom-up and consultative. This is leadership that focuses on the wellbeing and comfort of the healthcare employee, with the knowledge that a happy and satisfied nurse or allied worker will pass the same to the patient.One particular theory that will be helpful in achieving the above strategic goals is the Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory (Dearing & Cox, 2018). This will be helpful in the implementation of the organizational culture change from a problem-solving mindset to a more positive action-oriented approach. It will help in identifying innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and the laggards. The diffusion of innovations theory by Rogers will be applicable for both the short-term and the long-term theories. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Important leadership qualities and skills

The important leadership qualities and skills that will be invaluable in the achievement of this strategic planinclude humility, impeccable communication skills, empathy, vision, and positivity (Enfroy, 2020). In this, the qualities and skills with the greatest effect will be communication skills, vision, and positivity. The assumptions underlying this evaluation are that the leaders within the care setting will at least remain in those positions for the five years of this strategic plan, and that there will be no significant staff turnover.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation and progress of this ambitious strategic plan will be monitored and evaluated by way of several tools. These will include periodic progress and management reports,physical visits to the different sister centers of the care setting, and staff appraisal forms amongst others. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes: Contrasting the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and the SWOT Analysis Approaches

Part 1: Appreciative Inquiry Discovery and Dream

The appreciative inquiry model is an organizational assessment method developed by David Cooperrider that focuses on positive developments within the organization as opposed to what is wrong. It takes attention away from the pessimistic problem-solving and deficit thinking approach so often adopted by many healthcare industry executives and leaders. Rather, it focuses on supportive and more optimistic behaviors within the healthcare organization. With AI, attention is shifted to an appreciative inquiry of the positive stories within the healthcare organization. Creative genius, a sense of togetherness, and pride then emerge as a result of this. A whole new view of the organization and infinite possibilities become apparent, enabling the future to be built based on past successes within the care setting. AI, therefore, adopts a positive appreciation of individual and collective efforts within the care setting, emphasizing what is right and what is working in the care setting. It then endeavors to do more of that which has worked in the past.Appreciative inquiry comprises of five phases or steps, the first of which is the selection of an affirmative topic around which the other four rotate. These other four stages are discovery, dream, design, and destiny (Stevenson, 2019). One main application of the appreciative inquiry model is in strategic planning, as in this case. The analysis of this particular care setting focuses on the discovery and dream phases. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.


In analysis using AI, the phase of discovery involves the collection of data and exploration of positive narratives within the organization.The aim is to explore success storiesshared by interviewing persons of interest within the organization. Discovery during AI, therefore, unearths positive experiences of persons in the organization, with a view to replicating the same for future success (Stevenson, 2019). In this case, stories were collected using interviews done after identifying the stakeholders to be interviewedand developing the questionnaire. Two particular storiesin this care setting stood out for their positivity – one from a nurse manager and the other from a registered nurse clinical nurse leader. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The nurse manager narrated how she was able to bring a physician who had belittled one of her unit nurses to apologise to the victim for telling her that she did not use her brain. The incident had occurred in the presence of patients and the physician’s unfortunate remarks had been provoked by the nurse’s forgetfulness in informing him that the patient had declined exploratory laparoscopy. When the offended nurse reported this to the nurse manager, she says that she knew that the physician’s utterances were not good for the psychological safety of the workplace. She, therefore, felt that she needed to do something to stop that from happening in the future. She then approached the physician and made him apologize formally to the nurse. The registered nurse on her part narrated how she was able to forestall a potentially explosive workplace violence scenario involving the relative of a patient and a junior nurse in her team during an afternoon shift. The relative felt that his patient was being neglected and sought to vent his anger on the junior nurse. Being the clinical nurse leader on the shift, the registered nurse was able to identify the signs of the impending physical violence and call the relative aside to cool him down. She was happy that this was due to her training on conflict resolution, and that her actionspreserved the psychological safety of the workplace and hence patient safety. It was a win-win situation because the junior nurse felt appreciated and the patient’s relative also felt satisfied. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

These stories are related to safety and quality in that a nurse who is threatened and stressed out by feeling belittled and unwanted is prone to making errors. This puts patient safety at risk and lowers the quality of nursing care delivered as the nurse is not able to concentrate fully on her tasks. The evidence that substantiates these stories is found in the entries on the specific dates of these two occurrences in the incidents book. The positive themes reflected in these two stories are that healthcare work environments can be made conducive, and transformational leadership in nursing is important for the delivery of quality nursing care and the assurance of patient safety. The other evidence that validates my care setting’s positive core is that every year in my organization, there is a handsome award for the best nurse manager and the best nurse overall of the year. In the two stories above, the registered clinical nurse leader was able to receive the award for the best nurse overall that year for her role in defusing the tension that could have resulted in physical workplace violence. This is a good incentive that rewards effort and initiative and hence encourages a repeat and replication of such good actions. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.


            The dream phase is the stage that starts the process of what could be. It involves the thinking of possibilities beyond today’s thinking. The interviews conducted in the discovery phase have yielded the above two stories of success within the care setting. Therefore, if these stories are embedded in the organization culture, they will definitely direct future success of the organization (Stevenson, 2019). The dream proposals of positive and attainable quality and safety improvement goals for this care setting are to empower the nurses to feel free to report any threats to them either physical or psychological, to put in leadership positions only nurse leaders who have demonstrated exemplary transformational leadership, and to always adopt a consultative approach when making any procedural changes in the care setting by seeking the opinions of the nurses. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. Accomplishing these goals will lead to ethical and culturally sensitive improvements in quality and safety in that a nurse who feels safe in the workplace will respect the patient’s wishes (autonomy), will care for the patient with dedication (beneficence), and will not commit errors that put the patient at risk (nonmaleficence). Autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence are all important bioethical principles. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. The nurse will also wholeheartedly care for the patient holistically, which means that they will also respect the cultural beliefs and practices of the patient. Lastly, the proposed goals will align with the care setting’s mission, vision, and values in that the mission is to provide the best possible nursing care while the vision is to be the leading care setting in the country in terms of quality and safe nursing care. The values of the care setting include integrity, fairness, honesty, and justice. Having transformational nurse leaders and allowing nurses to freely air their grievances is both fair and just. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Part 2: SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis in the organizational context stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are usually internal to the organization, while opportunities and threats are traditionally external. This analysis will therefore look at the care settings internal strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities available for it to grow and improve, and the threats to its survival from the external environment (Gretzky, n.d.). Generally, a SWOT analysis comes before strategic planning. In this case, a SWOT analysis of this care setting was conducted, with regard to quality and safety goals. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Strengths enable the organization to demonstrate outstanding organizational performance (Gretzky, n.d.). The strengths of this healthcare setting after data collection and analysis are having of a dedicated nursing staff that is very hardworking and committed, having an in-house upskilling program for the staff to make them more proficient and safe, possessing the latest state-of-the-art healthcare technologies for improved quality of care, adoption of healthcare informatics and the recruitment of a nurse informaticist,and the use of telehealth services to reach a  number of patients who are in remote areas. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The opportunities identified for this care setting were that there is a growing population of middle-class people around its location who can become part of its catchment area (assuring a steadier stream of revenue to be used for care and quality improvement), an opportunity for social media marketing (which will inspire the care setting to improve the quality of its services in view the anticipated surge in numbers), and rapid advances in smartphone telephony (which means that much more patients can now be reached remotely through their smartphones on the telehealth platform). Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Weaknesses in a healthcare organization typically lower quality of care and increase costs (Gretzky, n.d.). In this care setting, the weaknesses identified were a high staff turnover which is affecting the safety of patients and quality of care given, a large number of the workforce requiring upskilling to have the right skill mix, and finite financial resources for the professional development of staff. This impacts the quality of care rendered and threatens the safety of the patients. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Threats interfere with the performance of the organization (Gretzky, n.d.). In the case of this care setting, the threats demonstratedwere increased competition for patients from new entrants, a reduction of Medicare reimbursement, and restricted practice by the state for nurse practitioners (NPs). Restricted practice means that she cannot make certainclinical decisions until she consults the physician in a collaborative agreement with her. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

The assessment tool used in this analysis was the SWOT analysis. The key findings were that there is an inordinately large number of nurses leaving work. This affects the nurse-patient ratios and therefore the quality of care given. Another issue was that many of the nurses and other staff require upskilling to bring their skills up to date. This fact alone threatens the safety of the patient as the person taking care of them may not be familiar with the gadgets they are using. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

An Area of Concern

One area of concern that I identified during the SWOT analysis and relevant to the care setting’s mission, vision, and values is the fact that the NPs at the care setting are under restricted practice. This means that they are not able to do some things and offer some services despite the fact that they are qualified and educated to do exactly that. This area of concern relates to my care setting’s vision, mission, and values in that an NP that can provide the full range of services that they are trained to deliver will provide quality care at a cost that is affordable compared to a physician. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes. This makes the services cost-effective and hence desirable. Services like these will not only be fair, but also just. It will be necessary and valuable to pursue improvements in this area of concern because majority of clinicians in the care setting are nurse practitioners and it is them who are tasked with providing primary health care to the greater majority of the patients seen at the care setting. Because of this, it would be valuable and quite necessary to pursue improvements in the scope of practice for the NPs. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Part 3: Comparison of Approaches

The AI approach to analysis is very different from the SWOT approach. It basically adopts a positive outlook to the process while theSWOT model adopts a pessimistic outlook. My mindset when using the AI approach is to expect positive feedback. When using the SWOT paradigm, it expects to find fault. The types of data and evidence I expect to find with AI are anecdotes and snippets of stories and initiatives that were successful in the past. The types of data I expect with the SWOT approach are facts and figures. The similarities between the two are that they are both aimed at making the organization function better, and both are also designed to help with strategic planning. The main difference between the two is that one looks for positive feedback while the other concentrates on negative feedback. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.

Part 4: Analysis of Relevant Leadership Characteristics and Skills

The leadership characteristics and skills desired in AI include communication skills, empathy, humility, vision, and positivity. In SWOT they are communication, integrity, accountability, and delegation (Enfroy, 2020). These characteristics would help them facilitate a project in that the AI person will be likeable and approachable while the SWOT person will be required to present only facts and uphold integrity. The only obvious shared characteristic between the two is the fact that both need to have effective and efficient communication skills. This may be because they both need to communicate properly and effectively with their teams. Analysis of a Care Setting for Strategic Planning Purposes.