A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay

A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay

  • Extended reality (virtual, mixed, augmented) technology is rapidly expanding and finding a space in healthcare professional education.
  • The positive impact of these technologies are shared, along with strategies that can be implemented in continuing education and staff development.

EVERY DAY, nurses face situations that require an aptitude for insight and empathy to meet patient needs. These skills typically are achieved with experience, but imagine if opportunities to enhance empathy could be presented during new-hire orientation or in staff development activities. Using virtual reality (VR) technology, focused experiences related to patient perspectives and challenging situations can prepare nurses for real-world clinical settings. A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.

According to Tiffany and Forneris, VR technology use is rapidly expanding, with the potential for as much as 45% growth by nursing programs within the next 5 years. Opportunities exist to integrate augmented reality (AR) experiences in nursing with computer-generated content, but immersive experiences such as VR and mixed reality (MR) offer a unique way for learners to experience active presence in a simulated environment. (See What is virtual reality?)


A team of two nursing faculty and one media technology specialist in the nursing program at California State University Channel Islands piloted three approaches to immersive learning:
• AR 360 imaging for hospital orientation
• MR simulations to practice difficult conversations
• immersive virtual patient perspective experiences to foster empathy.

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) frequently are used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing.

• XR is an umbrella term for combinations of virtual and real experiences using computer technology and includes AR, MR, and VR. All forms of XR are being developed and adapted for healthcare use.

• AR uses digital overlay with computer-generated input within an existing environment to enhance virtual experiences.

• MR merges virtual and real environments via interactive digital imagery with real space (for example, video or AR used with a mannequin).

• VR immerses the learner in a three-dimensional digital environment using headsets to incorporate as many senses as possible.

AR: Exploring environments

Hospital orientation for nursing students and new staff can be overwhelming, labor intensive, and too time limited to adequately familiarize them with the facility’s environment. To allow students and new staff to explore and interact with the facility on their own time, 360 images (panoramic views) of hospital rooms were obtained by the media technology specialist. The images were then uploaded to a web-based digital tool, where embedded content, including video tutorials of equipment, images of important room features, larger still images, and short quizzes, made the AR interactive. (See Hospital orientation.)


In voluntary feedback, students generally were very positive about the activity, were encouraged by the opportunity to explore the hospital environment, and enjoyed the virtual interaction to prepare for clinical experiences.

“I liked how easy it was to use. I also loved when there were videos attached to the equipment we will be using. I feel like this will take some of the anxiety away from being unsure how to use some of the complicated medical equipment.” A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.

“It was very realistic and gave you a 360 view of each room.”

“I liked that there were tutorials on the facilities equipment, like the pump, suctioning, etc. as some that we go to have different equipment.”

MR: Practicing difficult conversations

Senior-level nursing students practiced difficult end-of-life conversations using MR with interactive avatars as stand-ins for a patient’s family. In small groups, one student at a time sat in the “hot seat” and engaged directly with the avatars while the other students acted as the support or “brain.” Two faculty experts guided the timing of the session, directed student role rotations, and provided ongoing debriefing and support during session pauses initiated by the student or expert as needed. Faculty experts also guided prebriefing and debriefing sessions. (See Difficult conversations.)

This MR application facilitates in-action and guided reflective learning. It offers participants an opportunity to practice communication skills and navigate difficult conversations in a safe environment so they’re prepared for real, frequently emotional conversations in clinical settings. This format also can be used in staff development to practice challenging interactions with patients or families, intraprofessional communication, and other situations where effective communication is critical.

Patient centered care has been an ongoing topic for quite a few years. Healthcare policymakers understand that patient-centered care is very important in terms of both patient’s health outcomes and quality of care. These policymakers are endorsing changes within the structure of the healthcare delivery system to encourage patient centeredness and bringing in an approach in improving the quality of care.

Patient-centered care is a primary approach to improving the quality of health care. It builds a relationship between the clinicians and the patients. Patients relationship with the clinicians is like partners who not only takes care of them through clinical perspective but also forms relationships based on their emotional, mental and social needs. A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay. This policy paper will discuss the concept of patient-centered care and considers its benefits both in terms of patients and health care professionals. Also, Nurses contribution in providing the quality of care. Clinical decision making is also based on a combination of practices and preferences. There are various ways used to help patients accommodated their needs such as virtual visits, helping patient’s over the phone, emails and in-patient visits. As well as accommodation of new technology helps patients support their needs before, after and during the treatments through self-management tools which tracks their treatments.

As a healthcare professional It is one of our priority to focus the care more patient-centered. It is important for healthcare professionals to consider patients’ values, differences in culture, personal preferences and needs. Healthcare organizations should train clinicians to be more empathic and mindful when engaging with patients. A patient-centric approach will address these needs more effectively and will lead to improving relations between the patients and healthcare professionals. It is very important to welcome the involvement of families and caregivers so that the communication is more clear, trustful and tailored to the needs of the patient. Information should be delivered to the patient in a more meaningful way and not just assuming that the patient understood everything that the physician had to say about the diagnosis. One advantage of Patient-centered care is that it enhances patient satisfaction. It improves quality of life and improves the outcomes of a disease Understanding patient’s preferences and personal uniqueness and finding a common solution to facilitate healing relationships is very important. Being able to get access to the healthcare facility builds a strong relationship with the clinicians as well as easiness in making appointments and payments and being flexible to accommodate the needs of the patients is very important from a healthcare providers perspective. A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.

Policy Analysis and Core Competencies

The goal off the policy is to introduce a patient-centered approach with high-quality care into healthcare institutions. It is important for health care providers to be knowledgeable of the policies so that they can play a key role in making changes into the system. There are always barriers included in the implementation process of the policy. The barriers in this policy are stakeholder’s personal attitudes and perceptions. Limited integration and inadequate staffing for implementation as well as lack of support and interest. Considering what other organizational changes are needed at the time of implementation helps organizations get rid of these barriers.

The IOM (Institute of Medicine) defines patient-focused care as “providing care that respects every patient’s personal preferences, needs, and values as well as ensuring the patients clinical decisions”. The power to improve the current regulatory business and organizational conditions does not completely depend on any one entity, but rather requires that all must play a role. (Institute of Medicine, 2010). The key players in the implementation process of a policy are legislators, stakeholders, elected and or appointed state officials, regulatory boards, insurance companies, physicians, patients, and professional organizations. The main challenge is the diversity of the stakeholders involved in the program evaluations which determines the effectiveness of the strategies. Everyone has their own ideas about how a policy should work and coming down to one solution is difficult in a diverse group. The stakeholders under my policy are clinicians, organizations, and patients. And every stakeholder has their own perspective. Problems with the implementation of the policy refers to those interacting with the recipients of the policy or the program (Institute of Medicine, 2010).

This policy is relating to the core competency table in few ways. It helps NPs take leadership opportunities to bring changes in the organization. NP can apply leadership knowledge when making policy decisions which leads to effectively collaborating with other stakeholders and delivering the message to them about how important the changes are and how involvement in leadership can bring new policy to practice. NP can use best practice to improve the quality of care by considering relationships between cost, access to care and quality of healthcare delivery. They can help in implementing interventions to ensure that the quality of care is given to its patients. NP advocates for the political policies that promotes equity for everyone and gives the quality care and cost-effective care to every patient. However, they have to analyze and make sure that the policy they are trying to develop is ethical and legal and is in favor of the patients.

Policy Relevance to HP2020 Goals

The HP2020 goal is “The social determinants within HP 2020 is designed to create ways to identify social and physical environments that promote good health for everyone”. According to HP 2020 “The goal of the HP2020 is to gain a society filled with healthy people living long lives and high-quality life and to create environments that promote good health and quality of life across all stages of lives”.A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.  The goal of my policy correlates with the goal of HP2020 because the focus is to achieve high-quality care for patients. Lack of access or very limited access to the quality of care impacts on health. Healthy people 2020 access direct care to access healthcare services and incorporates these services. Barriers to access these services is high cost, no coverage, language barrier, as well as lack of access to the services. These barriers lead to unmet health conditions leading to delayed care and inability to prevent health conditions. Hence, HP2020 goal will help achieve all these barriers to promote quality of life across all stages of lives.

Literature updates

According to National academies press, it mentions that “The current reimbursement system does not give incentive to physicians to engage with their patients in communicating and sharing decisions. In addition, clinicians are lacking training in communications making it difficult for them to recognize and respond to patients mental and emotional needs”. This policy will help clinicians acquire and support skills needed and will relate to patient-centered care and it will encourage them to bring this culture to the organization.

As healthcare costs are increasing every year patients are expecting a better quality of care. People expect good quality when they pay more for insurance. Patient-centered care can lead to higher patient satisfaction which is very important when running a high-quality health care facility. The implementation of the affordable care act brought a lot of changes in the healthcare industry. “The number of patients entering the healthcare system was expected to reach 32 million leading to difficulties for the current healthcare system to accommodate these new consumers” (Torres, para5). The more availability of patients to use the insurance the more physicians and nurses are needed so that they can give high-quality care.

Financial Impact of Implementation and Sustaining it

The financial impact of implementing my policy would lead to cost savings, higher rate of patient satisfaction leading to improved patient’s health outcomes, reduced hospitals length of stay because of high-level quality of care which results in competitive advantage leading to better financial performance in the market and reducing unnecessary cost as well as significantly improving the care. Patient-centered care requires nurses and clinicians to involve families into the decision of the treatments given so that more trust is built, and results in quick recovery. The sole purpose of this care policy is not to make the organizations financially better but to improve patient satisfaction.A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.  However, we cannot neglect the fact that it is also important to make sure the health care organizations are financially stable, because more stable a healthcare organization is better care is provided to patients. The direct cost of implementing this policy would be to improve patient to nurse ratios which will have a direct financial impact.

Health care organizations are reluctant to support the implementation of quality improvements unless it is accompanied by better payment or improved margins or equal compensation (Milstead, 2019, 174). This is because healthcare organizations are not paid enough to spend quality time with their patients they are always on clock and have to make sure that they see more patients in a shorter period of time. Mostly healthcare organizations ignore that patient care is more important than in taking more patients because that can lead to serious consequences such as patients being ignored and not answered to their concerns. Patient counselling in not done appropriately which leads to poor health outcomes in patients.

The patient-centered care is a basic shift in healthcare in our country resulting in expensive healthcare with poor health results for both the patients and the clinicians. This policy has developed a “2020 vision” which will bring affordable health insurances for all and access to high-quality care. (Davis et al, 2005). The more the patient is satisfied with the given care it results in fewer malpractices. The main problem with malpractices is communication, delivering poor information and not able to understand the patient’s perspective is the biggest problem (Kavalier, 2003). This policy really focuses on dealing with this issue and prioritizing it so that it involves not only the patient but their family members when discussing their care plans.

It is important for NP to be involved in the political process when implementing policies as they impact the quality of life of care given to the patients. “Professional organizations can bring their influence on the policy process in ways that a single person may not” (Milstead,2019). A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay. American nurse association the national league for nursing and signa state a commitment to advancing health and healthcare in this country. such organizations give RN’s opportunities to develop their personal skills as well as it encourages them to be a part of the political process and raise their voices or concerns.

Patients who engage in their own care decisions on a limited basis results in bad health outcomes because they may fail to communicate their needs, concerns, expectations, and preferences with their healthcare providers. (Epstein and street, 2007). Quality of care can certainly be improved in a few ways such as making information more understandable to the patient and their families. Developing plans that facilitate patient-centeredness as well as shared decision making.

we know that safe staffing is important and can provide the best quality care to the patients, however, the argument that stakeholders use is that it would be an extreme financial burden on healthcare organizations to provide and set a nurse to patient ratios. The healthcare organizations would have to hire more nurses to have a set ratio for each nurse, as well as patients, can be neglected care due to not having enough nurses at the facility at the current time which can cause a delay in the care given to patients due to laws set in place regarding the ratios. Hiring more nurses and having set nurse to patient ratio will result in less nurse turnover rate as they are less burnout and more satisfied, nurses in return will give more satisfying care to the patients.


The purpose of this paper was to analyze patient-centered care and help improve the quality of care. Healthcare policymakers understand that patient-centered care is very important in terms of both patient health outcomes and quality of care. These policymakers are endorsing changes within the structure of the healthcare delivery system to encourage patient centeredness. However, these policymakers need to understand that physicians and other health care professionals need to be formally trained in the communication skills so that they can effectively deliver care to the patients when needed. A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.

Table: Core Competencies

NP Competency Area NP Core Competencies Competency relation to this policy
Embrace high leadership opportunities to facilitate change
Acts as an advocate for improved access and cost-effective health care
Elevates practice by incorporating innovations
Provides leadership to foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders to improve healthcare
Has excellent oral and written communication skills
NP takes leadership opportunities to bring changes in the facility
NP Applies leadership knowledge when making decisions
NP effectively collaborates with the other team members and stakeholders about the care plan and changes in the policies
NP organized professional meetings to deliver the message about the importance of change and ways to bring new policy to practice.
Uses best available evidence to improve the quality of clinical practice
Considers the relationship between cost, safety, access, and quality of healthcare delivery
Anticipates variations in practice and is proactive in implementing interventions to ensure quality
NP uses best practice to improve the quality of care
NP considers the relationship between cost, access to care and quality of healthcare delivery
NP practices in implementing interventions to ensure the quality of care
Practice inquiry
Translates new knowledge into practice through leadership
Uses clinical experiences to inform practice and improve patient outcomes
Applies investigative abilities in a clinical setting to improve healthcare
Facilitates practice inquiry, both individually and in partnerships
NP takes on a Leadership role in improving practice
NP Identifying clinical problems and improving them for patient satisfaction
NP uses their clinical experiences to improve patient outcomes
NP Investigates new settings to improve care
NP Facilitates care individually as well as in partnership
Advocates for ethical policies that promote access, equity, quality and cost
Analyzes ethical, legal and social factors influencing policy development
Contributes in the development of health policy and Advocates for policies for safe and healthy practice environments
NP will advocate for policies to promote equity for everyone and give quality care and cost-effective
NP will have to analyze the policy to make sure it is ethical and legal
NP uses their knowledge when contributing to the development of a health policy. A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay.



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A Strategy to Improve Patient-centered Care Essay