A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.


Assignment: This is a 2 part assignment (Part A and Part B) Part A: Visit the following websites: Visit the Cochrane Collaboration website and read the introduction. Search for “logo” in the website search box, and read the explanation of the Cochrane Collaboration logo. Visit the website for AHRQ: AHRQ, (2019), Aug.). AHRQ’s Healthcare Associated Infections Program.


For information about Hospital Acquired infection, Target Goals, Action plans and information about steering committees use: https://health.gov/hcq/prevent-hai.asp and https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/education/curriculum-tools/cusptoolkit/index.html Read about Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections: AHQR, (n.d.).A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection. Prevention of Healthcare – Associated Infections. What four infections were studied? What was shown to be effective against prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections and to what strength of evidence? Part B: Locate an evidenced-based research paper (less than five years old). Describe the following about the study: The title? What is the study about? Purpose of the study? What was the framework of the study? Protocol development? Describe how the project began. Did the topic have support from leaders, clinical nursing staff? Describe the members of the project team. How long did the team meet? What materials, etc. were developed? Describe the evaluation of the study. What were the findings and conclusions?A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

Best Practice

that a person may get while receiving care for a different condition.These infections often happen in healthcare facilities, including hospitals, end-stage renal disease facilities, ambulatory surgical centers, andlong-term care facilities. HAIs are among the foremost threats to patients’ safety as they affect nearly one out of every thirty-one hospital patients. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Healthcare-Associated Infections Program works to improve how care is delivered to patients. The above is accomplished through a series of contracts and grants focused on applied research or research aimed at advancing clinician’s ability to combat HAIs in different settings. In this capacity, the AHRQ focuses on four infections. These are Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, Influenza, Surgical site infections, and Pneumonia (AHRQ, 2019). Because this organization offers avenues for conducting applied research, the strength of evidence they offer is often at a level of 5 as described by John& McNeal (2017).A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

In their study entitled Clean care is safer care: correct hand washing in the prevention of healthcare associated infections,Squeri et al. (2016) explain that people’s actions spread most of the germs responsible for causing infections in healthcare settings. According to the authors, hand hygiene is a good way of preventing such infections. However, it is pointed out that healthcare workers typically wash their hands on average less than 50% less than they should.A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection. It is this practice that the researchers above attribute the spread of healthcare-associated infections. Besides patients, healthcare providers are also at risk of getting different infections while treating patients, as evidenced by the current COVID19 pandemic. For this reason, this particular paper emphasizes the need to prevent the spread of these germs in healthcare settings. A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

According to Squeri et al. (2016), the relationship between HIA’s and hand hygiene has been widely researched. Since the inaugural Global Patient Safety Challenge in 2005, facilities have reduced the transmission of HAI’s through the promotion of hand hygiene in a campaign known as “Clean Care is Safer Care.” Between 1995 and 1996, the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee of the Center for Disease Control would recommend using waterless antiseptic agents or antimicrobial soaps to be used in handwashing after leaving the room of a patient suffering from multidrug-resistant pathogens likemethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci. It was until 2002 that the HICPAC deemed alcohol-based hand rubbing as the gold standard for practices in hand hygiene for healthcare facilities with handwashing being reserved for specific settings.

The above study would take place during the year beginning March 2015 to March 2016. It aimed to evaluate the degree to which healthcare workers adhere to the guidelines given by the World Health organization on hand hygiene and its impact on the reduction of HAI’s. In turn, the researchers conducted a series of direct observational surveys in some departments that are considered to be at risk. These included orthopedics, adult and pediatric intensive care, maxillofacial surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery,hematology, and otorhinolaryngology and were divided into three areas: intensive care, medical and surgical. For this reason, they had to consider how different healthcare worker categories behaved in two-hour observation sessions.A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

Even though the role of hand hygiene in healthcare associated infection prevention is well established, different health care workers would disregard hand washing in different degrees. Squeri et al. (2016) report that compliance levels of healthcare workers in this respect vary between 5% and 81%, with an average value of 40%. Their study would reveal that adhesion to the recommendation was insufficient. However, adhesion rates were higher in the ICUs than in the internal medicine and surgical wards. This is in contrast to national and international observation, which is that internal medicine and surgical wards display higher compliance.A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

According to Squeri et al. (2016), adhesion levels before getting in contact with a patient as opposed to after getting in contact with them indicated a need to further train health care workers. They quote several studies showing increases in adhesion as a result of multimodal educational programs. The use of gloves was reported to be higher than the national average, even though 30% of healthcare workers did not wash their hands. Guidelines by the WHO state this behavior as incorrect because the presence of gloves as protection from pathogens was not sufficient. The category with the lowest adhesion, according to Squeri et al., (2016), was that of nurses in training. Low compliance was also associated with male healthcare workers, the use of gloves, a high workload, and working in the intensive care unit.A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.

The study would conclude by revealing a significant level of negligence among healthcare workers in adhering to WHO guidelines and recommendations. Squeri et al. (2016), report a need for urgent formative and informative actions similar to those taken by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The researchers remain of the belief that the right implementation of the procedures recommended by the WHO and AHRQ can ensure substantial sanitary, ethical, and economic benefits.A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.



AHRQ (2019). AHRQ’s Healthcare-Associated Infections Program. Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/hai/index.html

John, K. S., & McNeal, K. S. (2017). The strength of evidence pyramid: One approach for characterizing the strength of evidence of geoscience education research (GER) community claims. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65(4), 363-372.

Squeri, R., Genovese, C., Palamara, M. A., Trimarchi, G., & La Fauci, V. (2016). Clean care is safer care”: correct handwashing in the prevention of healthcare associated infections. Ann Ig, 28(6), 409-415.

A Healthcare-Associated Infection is an Infection.