A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay

A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay

Career Narrative
Children get sick and hurt every day and it doesn’t matter where they go they are always seen by a pediatric nurse. I became interested in Nursing from my mom. I remember watching her study when I was a kid, and helping her practice for clinicals. As I got older I became interested in different branches of nursing, which is where I came upon Pediatric Nursing. I know that I will love working with children, and learning what makes them laugh. “The opportunities for growth and advancement in this company are growing day by day” (McGognile) I hope to have new opportunities and to learn new things through this career. There are about 200,000 currently employed Pediatric Nurses in the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2024, the field will grow by 35 percent, opening about 44,700 new positions. This growth rate is five times the national average for occupations, making job security for Pediatric Nursing very good.A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay


These nurses can work in Doctors’ Offices, Hospitals, Clinics, Surgical Centers, and any other health care settings. Children may be treated in acute care departments, such as neonatal, Pediatric critical care unit, and pediatric oncology ward. Mostly Pediatric Nurses will be working closely with a physician who also specializes in pediatrics. “This job isn’t for everyone there’s a 30% dropout rate around the time you’re doing clinicals in PEDS” (American Association of Nurses) . Working with children who are sick can be emotionally draining it’s important to take good care of yourself if this is the profession you decide to go in. Pediatric Nurses can earn from $55,000 to $88,550 a year, depending on your level of education, experience and location this number could vary A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay

Children get injured or sick every day, and it doesn’t matter whether the child goes to a doctor or a pediatrician they are still tended to by a pediatric nurse. A pediatric nurse has to have many qualities. They also have to take many different classes. A pediatric nurse’s pay can vary from location to location depending on where they are working. Pediatric nurses must endure many different things to make it into this particular work field, and have many different qualities.
Pediatric nurses do a lot of the same tasks as a regular nurse. They draw blood, check vital signs, can perform physical examinations, and order diagnostic tests. However, the job of a pediatric nurse goes beyond regular nurses.

Nursing is an important medical profession that includes providing assistance to doctors and physicians. As a significant part of the health care sector families, individuals, and communities around the world benefit from their care and services. There are different types of nurses and because of this aspect experts expect this profession to grow immensely over the next few years. Nursing is considered one of the largest health professions in the world. Continued education as a nurse is vital because of technological advancements that play a huge role in how people obtain healthcare.A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay

There is much more to nursing than just providing assistance to doctor or caring for a person in need. Nursing requires plenty of hands on work, education, and skill in order to provide the best care needed. There are various types of nurses including pediatric nurse, rehabilitation nurse, and trauma nurse to name a few. Many nursing professions require formal education that can last from several months to a couple of years depending on the area being specialized. A large number of nursing positions require on the job training. You can work in different settings from a hospital, nursing home, medical office, or private home setting.

One of the most lucrative paying positions is a registered nurse (RN). They help educate patients about ongoing care procedures and provide moral support for patients and their families during trying times for various types of medical conditions. Some nursing positions require an associate’s degree while others may require a bachelor’s. This profession offers the best of both worlds as a person can practice with others or independently. A nurse that is knowledgeable and passionate about helping others can help people deal with different medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and other chronic conditions. New parents find their advice helpful when caring for newborns and young children.A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay

Even though nursing offers various opportunities for career advancement and great salary, there is still a large need for skilled individuals to join this field. Nurses have a unique responsibility in promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing disease while helping patients overcome illness and/or injury. Some people feel a nurse’s job is just as, if not more than, important than a doctor. Some nurses gain so much experience they develop an interest to become a doctor or physician later on. Technology advancements toward medical needs have helped people live longer, but they have also assisted in the significant growth of the nursing profession. A Career Narrative Of A Pediatric Nurse Essay